fire alarm
uk/ˈfaɪər əˌlɑːm/us/ˈfaɪr əˌlɑːrm/adevicesuch as abellorsirenthatwarnsthepeoplein abuildingthat thebuildingis onfire:
火警报警器,火警钟;火警报警器开关If thefirealarmgoes off(=startsmaking asound),leavethebuildingcalmly.如果火警报警器响了,请保持镇定,离开大楼。
Fire service
- beatsomethingout
- extinguish
- extinguisher
- fire blanket
- fire department
- fire engine
- fire hydrant
- fire marshal
- fire plug
- firebreak
- firehouse
- fireman
- firetrap
- flame-retardant
- flameproof
- hose
- Jaws of Life
- quench
- smoke detector
- tender
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