uk/ˈfaɪə.brɪk/us/ˈfaɪr.brɪk/atypeofbrickthat is notdamagedby hightemperaturesand isthereforeused whenbuildingthings such aschimneysandfireplaces:
Thistypeofclayis used for making firebricks.
Theforgeislinedwith firebrick.
- Masonryovensaregenerallybuiltwith fire-resistantmaterialslike firebrick orclay.
- Theinteriorwallsof thestovearelinedwith firebricks.
- Firebrick was used for theBBQhearthandpizzaovendome.
- Theblowpipeextendsthrough the firebrickwallof theforgeto thebottomof thefire.
Parts of buildings: the fireplace & parts of the fireplace
- andiron
- chimney breast
- coal scuttle
- damper
- fender
- fire dog
- fireguard
- fireplace
- firescreen
- fireside
- flue
- grate
- hearth
- inglenook
- mantelpiece
- open fire
- open fireplace
- poker
- scuttle