flying suit
uk/ˈflaɪ.ɪŋ ˌsuːt/us/ˈflaɪ.ɪŋ ˌsuːt/apieceofclothingthatcoversboth theupperandlowerpartsof thebodyand iswornbypeoplewhoflyplanes, or as afashionitem:
(飞行员穿着或作为时尚的)(连体)飞行服Pilotswanderin and out,wearingkhakiflyingsuits.飞行员们穿着卡其布飞行服,进进出出。
In his firstshowingofwomenswear, heincludedhis and hersflyingsuits.在他的第一次女装展示会上,他展示了男式和女式飞行服。

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- He said he had justlandedanaircraft- he is aqualifiedpilot- and wasdrivingaway in acar, stilldressedin hisflyingsuit.
- On thesaltplainshe hasswappedhisgreenflyingsuitfor ayellowjumpsuitandshades.
- When he wascapturedhe wasfoundto bewearinga parachutist'shelmetandflyingsuit.
Dresses, suits & gowns
- abaya
- ballgown
- bandage dress
- bandeau dress
- black tie
- gown
- jilbab
- jumpsuit
- kaftan
- kimono
- pinstripe
- playsuit
- robe
- rompers
- safari suit
- tea dress
- three-piece suit
- toga
- trouser suit
- tunic