(alsoSCOBY)uk/ˈskəʊ.bi/us/ˈskəʊ.bi/asubstancethat isformedwhenbacteriaandyeastferment(= go through aprocessin which thesugarchangestoacid,gas, oralcohol)used in theproductionofvarioustypesoffoodanddrink:
细菌和酵母的共生体A kefir scoby and a kombucha scobycontaindifferentbacteria.开菲尔复合菌和康普茶复合菌包含有不同的细菌。
It ispossibletobuyorganicdehydratedSCOBY.买有机脱水的 SCOBY 是可能的。
SCOBYstandsfor “symbioticcultureofbacteriaandyeast”.SCOBY 是”symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast“的缩写,意为“细菌和酵母的共生体”。

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- In thisvideowe show you how togrowa Kombucha SCOBY.
- SCOBYlookslike aslimyjellyfishbut it makes the mostwonderfulfermentedtea– kombucha.
- Here areyourstep-by-stepinstructionsto making thebestfermentedkombuchabreweverusing a scoby.
Preparing food
- batch cooking
- biga
- bind
- butter
- buttered
- can't boil an eggidiom
- clarify
- glaze
- glazed
- grate
- ingredient
- jerk
- purée
- re-season
- recipe
- rehydrate
- restuff
- toss
- whip
- zap