uk/ˌɔː.kɪˈstreɪ.ʃən/us/ˌɔːr.kəˈstreɪ.ʃən/orchestrationnoun(OF MUSIC)
anarrangementof apieceofmusicto beplayedby anorchestra:
Ilovetherichlytexturedorchestrations on thealbum.
- Hervoiceseemedtocutrightthrough any orchestration.
- Helearnedcounterpoint,compositionand orchestration bybreakingdownsymphonicmusic.
- He has done orchestrations and adaptations ofmusicby Frank Zappa, The Beatles, and Jimi Hendrix.
Writing, reading & studying music
- anti-musical
- bar
- canon
- canonical
- compose
- composition
- compositional
- musical
- musically
- musicologist
- musicology
- non-musical
- orchestrate
- rescore
- setting
- sheet music
- sight-read
- sight-reading
- sol-fa
- unmusical
orchestrationnoun(OF EVENT)
acarefularrangementof something toachieveaparticularresult, often in a way that isunfairorwrong:
精心的策划,用心的谋划Hisvictoryfollowedthe orchestration of avicioussmearcampaignagainst hisopponent.他通过精心策划针对对手的恶意诽谤取得了胜利。
- He waschargedwith the orchestration of acampaignofviolencethatledto thedeathsof hundreds of thousands ofcivilians.
- Themediacompetedin the orchestration ofmasshysteria.
- This was thedeliberateorchestration ofattacksagainst thenationby therulingfactionwhich are "spun" intoexternalaggressionby aforeignpower.
Managing and organizing
- admin
- administer
- administration
- anti-bureaucracy
- bronze command
- fixsomethingup
- fixer
- get up
- getyouract togetheridiom
- gold command
- marshal
- mobilize
- mount
- party planner
- party planning
- project-manage
- rationalization
- rationalize
- recentralization
- scrum