[C,+ sing/pl verb]
agroupofsheep,goats, orbirds:
羊群;鸟群;人群a flockofsheep/goats/geese一群绵羊/山羊/鹅
Theshepherdisbringinghis flock down from thehills.牧羊人正把羊群往山下赶。

[C,+ sing/pl verb]
alargegroupofpeople, usuallypeopleof aparticulartype:
(特定类型的)一群人Anoisyflockoftouristscame into thebuilding.一群吵吵嚷嚷的游客走进了大楼。
Thepriestinvitedall themembersof his flock(= all thepeoplewho go to hischurch)toattendthespecialservice.牧师邀请教区的所有信徒参加这一特别仪式。
Animal groupings
- bevy
- biomass
- brood
- colony
- colony collapse
- colony collapse disorder
- drove
- flight
- gaggle
- herd
- hive
- menagerie
- murder
- murmuration
- pack
- pod
- school
- shoal
- swarm
- team
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Groups of people
softmaterialused forfillingobjectssuch ascushions, orsoftmaterialthatformsaraisedpatternonwallpaperorcurtains
(充填垫子等的)软填料;(在墙纸或窗帘上制作凸起图案用的)短绒,绒屑Filling and completing
- backfill
- box ticking
- brick
- brick upsomething
- brim
- fill
- gas
- jam
- overrun
- pack
- packsomething/somewhereout
- permeate
- pervade
- pervasively
- round
- suffuse
- supersaturated
- takesomethingup
- tank up
- topsomethingup
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Textiles: general words
uk/flɒk/us/flɑːk/flockverb(MOVE IN GROUP)
[Iusually+ adv/prep]
tomoveor come together inlargenumbers:
聚集;蜂拥Hundreds ofpeopleflockedtothefootballmatch.数百人蜂拥前来观看足球比赛。
[+ to infinitive]Crowds ofpeopleflocked toseethe Picassoexhibition.大群人蜂拥去看毕加索画展。
Forming groups (of people)
- alienated
- be ranged against/withsomething/someone
- cluster
- congregate
- convene
- converge
- crowd around(someone/something)
- form
- gather
- get
- get together
- group
- huddle
- incestuousness
- mob
- muster
- range
- roundsomething/someoneup
- throng
tocoverasurfacewith asoftmaterialinordertodecorateit:
用软材料覆盖表面装饰You can flock alivingChristmastreetoachievetheeffectofnaturalsnow.你可以用軟材料覆蓋真圣诞树的表面来达到模仿自然界下雪的效果。
a flockedgreetingscard软面问候卡
Decorating or making something attractive
- accessorize
- adorn
- adornment
- beautification
- beautify
- embellish
- flatter
- foliated
- garland
- gewgaw
- glam
- glam(yourself)up
- ornate
- over-glamorize
- overdecorate
- overdecoration
- pimp
- window dressing
- yarn bombing
- zhuzh