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foldverb(BEND)B1[IorT]tobendsomething,especiallypaperorcloth, so that onepartof itlieson the otherpart, or to beableto bebentin this way: 折叠,对折(尤指纸或布);可折叠,可对折 I folded theletter(inhalf)and put it in anenvelope.我把信对折后装进一个信封里。 He had aneatlyfoldedhandkerchiefin hisjacketpocket.他的上衣口袋里有一方叠得整整齐齐的手帕。 Will youhelpme to fold (up) thesheets?你能帮我把床单叠起来吗? Thetablefolds up when not in use.桌子不用时可以折叠起来。 She folded herbabyinablanket.她把婴儿裹在一块毯子里。 He folded hisarmsaroundher.他用双臂搂住了她。 fold your arms tobringyourarmsclosetoyourchestandholdthem together: 双臂交叉在胸前He folded hisarmsandshookhisheaddisapprovingly. See more[T]tomoveapartofyourbodyinto apositionwhere it isclosetoyourbody: 盘起,交叠 Shesatwith herlegsfoldedunderher.她盘腿而坐。 - Just fold thispieceofpaperback, so, and make acreasehere.
- With asorrowfulsighshe folded theletterand put it away.
- The backseatof thecarfolds down.
- Thephotographeraskedme to fold myarms.
- Fold thetopof thecartonback, andtearalong thedottedline.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMaking things more or less smooth or straight - bunch
- bunch(something)up
- coarsen
- coarsening
- creased
- crinkle
- foldaway
- folding
- furl
- grooming
- interfold
- pucker
- rumple
- sand
- sandpaper
- screw
- sleek
- sleek back/down
- stabilizer
- wrinkle
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Enclosing, surrounding and immersing foldverb(FAIL)[I](of abusiness) toclosebecause offailure: (企业)倒闭 Manysmallbusinessesfold within the firstyear.许多小公司在第一年就倒闭了。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto stop operating permanently - close downWith sales down, the company closed one factory down and reduced the workforce at another.
- closeMany of the shops in the High Street have closed recently.
- shut downThe bookshop is shutting down after 25 years of business.
- shutUKSeveral of the bank's local branches are shutting.
- shut up shopUKThe seaside businesses all shut up shop during the winter.
- go/put out of businessMy favourite ice cream shop went out of business last summer.
See more results » SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSuccess & failure in business - administration
- axe
- bankrupt
- bankruptcy
- be running on fumesidiom
- belly
- charter
- dying
- go darkidiom
- go to the wallidiom
- growth hacker
- growth hacking
- have a corner on a marketidiom
- receiver
- soft launch
- spin
- spinsomethingoff
- start (something) up
- subscale
- turn around
See more results » Phrasal verbfoldsomethingin/foldsomethinginto something foldnoun[C](BEND)alineormarkwherepaper,cloth, etc. was or is folded: (纸、布的)褶线,褶痕Make a foldacrossthecentreof thecard.在卡片中间折一道线。 geologyspecializedabendin alayerofrockunder the earth'ssurfacecausedbymovementthere (地壳岩层的)褶皱 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesStyle & appearance of clothes - aesthetic
- alterable
- anti-fur
- Aran
- backless
- flouncy
- form-fitting
- French tuck
- frilly
- fringed
- raglan
- ready-to-wear
- reversible
- ribbed
- ruche
- voluminous
- waisted
- washable
- wasp-waisted
- water-repellent
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Making things more or less smooth or straight Geology - general words foldnoun[C](SHELTER)asmallareaof afieldsurroundedby afencewheresheepcan be put forshelterfor thenight 羊栏,羊圈 Pal Szilagyi Palko/EyeEm/GettyImages the fold yourhomeor anorganizationwhere youfeelyoubelong: 家;(某人)所属的组织Herchildrenare all away atcollegenow, but they alwaysreturntothe fold during theholidays.她的孩子们现在全都离家上大学了,但是他们假期总是都回来。 After the lastelection, theRepublicanPartytriedtobringformerconservatives back into the fold. Theteamofferedthestarforwardeverything they could tobringher into the fold. She wasafraidthat he'dbecomeupsetwith thechurchandleavethe fold. Theywelcomedthenewestfamilymemberinto the fold. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAnimal dwellings - man-made - animal shelter
- apiary
- aviary
- beehive
- bird box
- birdcage
- crate
- doghouse
- dovecote
- fish tank
- fishbowl
- hive
- perch
- pigeon loft
- pigpen
- pigsty
- rabbit hutch
- rescue centre
- stall
- sty
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: having thestatednumberofparts, ormultipliedby thestatednumber: 由…部分组成;…倍threefold3倍 fourfold4倍 Theproblemsare twofold -firstly,economic, andsecondly,political.这些问题是双重的:第一,经济上的;第二,政治上的。 In the last 50years, there has been a 33-foldincreasein theamountofpesticideused infarming.在过去50年里,用于农业的杀虫剂数量增长了33倍。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesTerms for numbers - additive inverse
- aliquot
- common denominator
- common factor
- common multiple
- cos
- exponent
- fortyfold
- fourfold
- hundredfold
- imaginary number
- odd
- recurring
- recurring number
- remainder
- resultant
- root
- sevenfold
- weighting
See more results » (Definition offoldfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)foldverb(BEND)B1[IorT]tobendsomething,especiallypaperorcloth, so that onepartof itlieson the otherpart, or to beableto bebentin this way 折叠,对折(尤指纸或布);可折叠,可对折I folded theletter(inhalf)and put it in anenvelope.我把信对折后装进一个信封里。 He had aneatlyfoldedhandkerchiefin hisjacketpocket.他的上衣口袋里有一方叠得整整齐齐的手帕。 Will youhelpme to fold (up) thesheets?你能帮我把床单叠起来吗? Thetablefolds up when not in use.桌子不用时可以折叠起来。 包,裹She folded herbabyinablanket.她把婴儿裹在一块毯子里。 He folded hisarmsaroundher.他用双臂搂住了她。 fold your arms tobringyourarmsclosetoyourchestandholdthem together 双臂交叉在胸前 [T]tomoveapartofyourbodyinto apositionwhere it isclosetoyourbody 盘起,交叠Shesatwith herlegsfoldedunderher.她盘腿而坐。 - Just fold thispieceofpaperback, so, and make acreasehere.
- With asorrowfulsighshe folded theletterand put it away.
- The backseatof thecarfolds down.
- Thephotographeraskedme to fold myarms.
- Fold thetopof thecartonback, andtearalong thedottedline.
foldverb(FAIL)[I](of abusiness) toclosebecause offailure (企业)倒闭Manysmallbusinessesfold within the firstyear.许多小公司在第一年就倒闭了。 Phrasal verbfoldsthin/foldsthinto something foldnoun[C](BEND)alineormarkwherepaper,cloth, etc. was or is folded (纸、布的)褶线,褶痕Make a foldacrossthecentreof thecard.在卡片中间折一道线。 geologyspecializedabendin alayerofrockunder the earth'ssurfacecausedbymovementthere (地壳岩层的)褶皱 foldnoun[C](SHELTER)asmallareaof afieldsurroundedby afencewheresheepcan be put forshelterfor thenight 羊栏,羊圈 the fold yourhomeor anorganizationwhere youfeelyoubelong 家;(某人)所属的组织Herchildrenare all away atcollegenow, but they alwaysreturntothe fold during theholidays.她的孩子们现在全都离家上大学了,但是他们假期总是都回来。 having thestatednumberofparts, ormultipliedby thestatednumber 由…部分组成;…倍threefold3倍 fourfold4倍 Theproblemsare twofold -firstly,economic, andsecondly,political.这些问题是双重的:第一,经济上的;第二,政治上的。 In the last 50years, there has been a 33-foldincreasein theamountofpesticideused infarming.在过去50年里,用于农业的杀虫剂数量增长了33倍。 fold| American Dictionaryfoldverb(BEND)[I/T]tobendsomething such aspaperorclothso that onepartof itlieson the otherpart, or to beablebendin this way: [T]He took hisclothesout of thedryerandcarefullyfolded them. [M]She folded up themapand put it back in herbag. [I]Thetraytablefolds up so that itfitsin acloset. [I/T]If you foldyourhandsorarms, youbringthem together andcrossthem: [T]He folded hisarmsacrosshischest. foldverb(FAIL)[I](of abusiness) toclosebecause offailure: Manysmallbusinessesfold within the firstyear. foldnoun(BEND)[C]alineormarkwherepaper,cloth, etc. was or is folded: If you just make folds along thedottedlines, you cansealit andmailit as anenvelope. foldnoun(SHARED BELIEFS)[C/U]thesafetyorcomfortofbelongingto agroupthatsharesthe samebeliefs: [U]The Democratsattractedmanyimmigrantsto the fold. [C/U]A fold is afencedareaon afarmwheresheeparekeptduring thenight. -foldsuffix(NUMBER)having thestatednumberofparts, ormultipliedby thestatednumber: There has been more than a 30-foldincreaseinInternetusersin the past twoyears. (Definition offoldfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)if abusinessfolds, itclosesbecause offailure: Thecompanyfolded after fouryears, having madeheavylosses. having thestatednumberofparts, ormultipliedby thestatednumber: Theproblemsare twofold -firstly,economic, andsecondly,political. In the last 50years, there has been a 33-foldincreasein theamountofpesticideused infarming. (Definition offoldfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesoffoldfold Also, it is important to note that no fringe growth is observed perpendicular to the axial planar direction of the folds.From theCambridge English Corpus The axial planes of these ductile folds generally parallel the stretching lineation.From theCambridge English Corpus Note that the protomylonitic fabric is in an axial planar orientation relative to the folds.From theCambridge English Corpus A few metre-scale recumbent folds with axial plane schistosity have been observed in the fine-grained layers from the lower part of the section.From theCambridge English Corpus Highly non-cylindrical folds and sheath folds with amphibolite-facies axial planar fabrics are locally developed.From theCambridge English Corpus Within the nucleus, the chromatin appears as coarse strands and closely-packed lamellae and the nuclear envelope is thickened and irregularly folded.From theCambridge English Corpus The appearance of such almost-parallel folds is surprising as competency contrasts should be low at high-grade metamorphic conditions.From theCambridge English Corpus Two generations of folds can be distinguished by overprinting relations.From theCambridge English Corpus The ultramylonite foliation is locally folded into tight folds that have hinges subparallel to a mineral-elongation lineation.From theCambridge English Corpus Strain was focused in narrow (< 0.5 m) to wide (> 30 m) flat-lying shear zones and adjacent drag folds.From theCambridge English Corpus The main phosphatic zone overlies dark massive cherts and underlies pale marls with important synsedimentary folds.From theCambridge English Corpus Simple shear compressional reactivation occurs with major folding to the south-east (not shown).From theCambridge English Corpus The folds are commonly open and symmetrical, locally tight and overturned.From theCambridge English Corpus In summary, there is a general lack of tools for the geometrical analysis of non-cylindrical folds.From theCambridge English Corpus The incompetent layer developed class 3 folds, documented in (c) and (d).From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/fold## |