adjective[before noun]
at agreaterdistancefrom thecentre:
远离中心的;外围的outer London外伦敦
the outerlaneof themotorway高速公路的外车道
- Ice hadformedaround the outeredgeof thepond.
- Thetelescopecanviewthe outerreachesof thesolarsystem.
- Theyliveon the outeredgeof thecity.
- The outerleavesof thecabbageshould beremoved.
- The outerlayerof thejacketiswaterproof.
From, out and outside
- al fresco
- door
- exogenous
- exterior
- external
- from
- indigenous
- inside
- non-indigenous
- open
- open-air
- out
- out and aboutidiom
- out of
- outdoor
- outta
- outward
- outwards
- outwith
- thence