food chain
uk/ˈfuːd ˌtʃeɪn/us/ˈfuːd ˌtʃeɪn/[C]biologyspecialized
aseriesoflivingthings that areconnectedbecause eachgroupof thingseatsthegroupbelow it in theseries:
食物链Corn has many usesthroughoutthefoodchainasfeedforanimalsand as aningredientonitsown.
Mostbiologicalactivityisconcentratednear thesurfaceof theocean, where there is a lot ofsunlighttosupportmarinefoodchains.

DEA PICTURE LIBRARY/De Agostini/GettyImages
the food chain
used fortalkingabout howimportantsomeone iscomparedwith otherpeoplein anorganization,industry,society, etc.:
It'slikelythat themanagerwill have to refer thedecisionhigherup the bank'sfoodchain.
I’m usually toofardown thefoodchaintowintheargument.
In mostcasesthegarageowneris asmallbusinessat the end of thefoodchain.
- Toxinsaccumulateathigherconcentrationsas youmoveup thefoodchain.
- Newlawsmeanthatinfectedbeefcan nolongerenterthefoodchain.
- Weworkedin the samerestaurant, he as akitchenhandand I as awaitress, which Isoonfoundout was arunghigherin therestaurantfoodchain.
Animal & plant biology - general words
- abiotic
- anatomical
- anatomically correct
- anti-Darwinian
- anti-Darwinism
- biodiversity
- botany
- Darwinism
- entomological
- entomologist
- eukaryote
- fight-or-flight
- morphology
- poisonous
- recolonization
- recolonize
- regeneration
- regenerative
- restimulate
- zoology