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better luck better luck next time better-luck-next-time betterment betterment of humanity
better nature better-nature better nutrition better off better-off
better option better outcome better-part-of better-paying better-paying
better performance better place better position better predictor better quality
better retention betters better safe than sorry better-safe-than-sorry better shape
better solution better still better-still better-than-average better-than-average
better-than-expected better-than-expected better the devil you know (than the devil you don't) better-the-devil-you-know-than-the-devil-you-don-t better ventilation
better visibility bet the farm/ranch bet-the-farm-ranch betting betting-is
betting market betting shop betting-shop bettor between
between-group comparison between-group difference between-group difference between you and me between-you-and-me
between you, me, and the gatepost between-you-me-and-the-gatepost betwixt betwixt and between betwixt-and-between
be two of a kind be-two-of-a-kind be two sides of the same coin be-two-sides-of-the-same-coin be two/ten a penny
be-two-ten-a-penny be under a cloud be-under-a-cloud be under contract be-under-contract
be under sb's spell be-under-sb-s-spell be under someone's spell be-under-s-spell be under the gun
be-under-the-gun be-up be up against it be-up-against-it be up in arms
be-up-in-arms be up sb's ass be-up-sb-s-ass be-up-street be-up-there-with
be up there with sb be-up-there-with-sb be up there with someone be up the spout be-up-the-spout
be-up-to be-up-to-ears-in be-up-to-eyeballs-in be-up-to-eyes-in be-up-to-neck-in
be up to no good be-up-to-no-good be up to par be-up-to-par be up to something
be up to sth be-up-to-sth be up to the mark be-up-to-the-mark be up to your ears in something
be up to your ears in sth be-up-to-your-ears-in-sth be up to your eyeballs in something be up to your eyeballs in sth be-up-to-your-eyeballs-in-sth
be up to your eyes in something be up to your eyes in sth be-up-to-your-eyes-in-sth be up to your neck (in something) be up to your neck (in sth)
be-up-to-your-neck-in-sth be up with the lark be-up-with-the-lark be up yourself be-up-yourself
be up your street attempting attempt-on-life attend attendance
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