informaldisapproving(alsofundy)uk/ˈfʌn.di/us/ˈfʌn.di/adisapprovingway of referring to areligiousfundamentalist(= someone whobelievesintraditionalformsof areligion, orbelievesthat what is written in aholybook, such as theChristianBible, iscompletelytrue):
Myenjoymentof hisfilmsissomewhatlessenedbyfindingout that heseemsto be anintolerantfundie.
- Thecandidatemade everyefforttowinover the fundies in theprimaries.
- Sheinsistson herrighttowearaheadscarfbut has littletimefor what shecalls"fundies".
Religious people: followers of religious groups
- Adventist
- Anglican
- animist
- anti-cult
- anti-papal
- evangelist
- fakir
- Franciscan
- fundamentalist
- get religionidiom
- moral majority
- Mormon
- Moslem
- Muslim
- non-sectarian
- Shia
- Shiite
- Sikh
- sisterhood
- Sufi
informaldisapprovinguk/ˈfʌn.di/us/ˈfʌn.di/adisapprovingway ofdescribingsomethingrelatingto orconsideredtypicalof areligiousfundamentalist:
Theywantagovernmentthat isbasicallya fundie,right-wingtheocracy.
Hebelongsto somesortof fundychurch, Ithink.
- One of the party'sproblemsisitsfearof doing anything toupsetitsfundiebase.
- He says the fundy Christians and the fundyMuslimshave more incommonthan theyrealize.
- Heconstantlydoesannoyingfundy things likeattackingevolutionwithridiculousarguments.