grow intosomeone/something
phrasal verbwithgrowverbuk/ɡrəʊ/us/ɡroʊ/grew|grown
todevelopinto aparticulartypeofpersonor thing:
He'sgrowninto afine,responsibleyoungman.
- If youthinkof thesechildrengrowingintoadultswhoenjoyandappreciateclassicalmusic, then thatrepaysoureffort.
- She hadgrownfrom ashyteenagerto aself-assuredyoungwoman.
- Youractionscouldpreventasillydisagreementgrowinginto something moreserious.
- It'sfascinatingababychangingandgrowinginto anindependentindividual.
- His earlyinterestinmusicquicklygrewinto alifelongpassion.
Making progress and advancing
- advancement
- age
- ahead
- ahead of
- anti-development
- carry
- flourish
- furtherance
- gather
- get beyondsomething
- get it togetheridiom
- grow
- journey
- mature
- pan
- ripeness
- self-advancement
- self-betterment
- self-development
- shape up