belongingto orconnectedwith a man,boy, ormaleanimalthat has just beenmentionedor isknownabout:
他的;它的"Jo's got a newboyfriend." "Oh really? What's hisname?"“乔交了个新男友。”“哦,真的吗?他叫什甚名字?”
formalDid Christellyou about his winningsomemoneyin thelottery?克里斯告诉你他买彩票中奖了吗?
- Paulclickedhisfingerstoattractthe waiter'sattention.
- We can'tstopTomclimbingout of hiscot.
- Theofficercommandedhis men toshoot.
- I don'tknowhow he canafforda newcaron hissalary.
- Shesoldthehouseeventhough it was against hiswishes.
Linguistics: possessive forms
- hers
- its
- mine
- my
- our
- ours
- S, s
- the
- their
- theirs
- thine
- thy
- us
- yer
- your
- yours
hisdeterminer(ANY GENDER)
belongingto orconnectedwith apersonoranimalthat has just beenmentionedand whosegenderis notknownor notconsideredto beimportant:
Anyone whodriveshiscarat 100milesanhourisaskingfortrouble.任何驾车达到时速100英里的人都是在自找麻烦。
What acutedog! What's hisname?这条狗真可爱!它叫什么名字?
- Many people consider this use offensive and prefer to usetheirinstead. This can sometimes mean changing other words in the sentence:People whodrivetheircarsat 100milesanhourareaskingfortrouble.他的;它的Itscan be used for animals.
Linguistics: possessive forms
- hers
- its
- mine
- my
- our
- ours
- S, s
- the
- their
- theirs
- thine
- thy
- us
- yer
- your
- yours
Pronouns: possessive (my,mine,your,yours, etc.)
We use pronouns to refer to possession and ‘belonging’. There are two types: possessive pronouns and possessive determiners. We use possessive determiners before a noun. We use possessive pronouns in place of a noun:…his
the one(s)belongingto orconnectedwith a man,boy, ormaleanimalthat has just beenmentionedor isknownabout:
马克刚才来电话说他的外套落下了。你知道这件是他的吗?Markjustphonedto say he'dlefthiscoatbehind. Do youknowif this is his?他把我们介绍给他的同事。
Heintroducedus to somecolleaguesofhis.他的办公室在你前面,走廊的尽头。
His is theofficedirectlyaheadof you, at thefarend of thecorridor.
Linguistics: possessive forms
- hers
- its
- mine
- my
- our
- ours
- S, s
- the
- their
- theirs
- thine
- thy
- us
- yer
- your
- yours
Pronouns: possessive (my,mine,your,yours, etc.)
We use pronouns to refer to possession and ‘belonging’. There are two types: possessive pronouns and possessive determiners. We use possessive determiners before a noun. We use possessive pronouns in place of a noun:…