uk/hʌtʃ/us/hʌtʃ/hutchnoun[C](ANIMAL HOME)
aboxmade ofwoodwith awirefrontwheresmallanimalssuch asrabbitsarekept:
(养兔子等小动物的正面有金属网的)笼,舍,棚Ifedtherabbitacarrotthrough thewirenettingofitshutch.

Maria Teijeiro/Photodisc/GettyImages
- Theyreturnedhomeoneafternoontofindthewoodandwirehutch in the backyardopenand Snuggles gone.
- You can have therabbitand I'llthrowin a hutch and asupplyoffeed.
- Chickens canlivein acoopor hutch in aminimalamountofspace.
Animal dwellings - man-made
- animal shelter
- apiary
- aviary
- bird box
- birdcage
- crate
- doghouse
- dovecote
- fish tank
- fishbowl
- hive
- perch
- pigpen
- pigsty
- rabbit hutch
- rescue centre
- sanctuary
- skep
- stall
- sty
apieceoffurniturewithopenor glass-coveredshelvesand sometimes one or morecupboards, forstoringandshowingthings likeplatesandglasses:
Shepurchaseda hutch in which todisplaythedishes.
Dishesstandondisplayin adiningroomchinahutch.

UnitedPhotoStudio1/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Thedininghutchdisplaysanunusualcollectionofglass.
- Theylivein a two-roomapartmentbut havechinasettingsfor 16tuckedin awoodenhutch.
- I'mlookingfor arectangulardining-roomtablewithchairs, andmaybea hutch.
Furniture for storage
- airing cupboard
- almirah
- bookcase
- bookshelf
- broom closet
- closet
- credenza
- cubby
- cubbyhole
- cupboard
- floating shelf
- footlocker
- hatstand
- hot press
- locker
- sideboard
- tallboy
- trophy cabinet
- wardrobe
- Welsh dresser