(alsoHypnoBirth)uk/ˈhɪp.nəʊˌbɜːθ/us/ˈhɪp.noʊˌbɜ˞ːθ/abirthin which a woman useddeepbreathing,meditation, andvisualizationtohelpherrelaxanddealwithpain:
(用深呼吸,冥想和想象来帮助放松和处理疼痛的)催眠分娩,温柔分娩,静心冥想分娩Sheoptedfor a HypnoBirth and haspositivememoriesofdeliveringherdaughterathome.她选择了温柔分娩,对于在家生女儿的经历回忆颇为愉快。
Mums-to-bewantingthatserene, Hollywood-approveddeliveryaretryinghypnobirth.准妈妈们想要那种安详、好莱坞式的分娩方式,正在尝试静心冥想分娩。
- What is it really like to have a hypnobirth?
- Idecidedto take a hynobirthclass.
- I had a hynobirth with my firstbabyandintendto do so again for my second.
Obstetrics: birth
- antenatal
- antenatally
- Apgar score
- B, b
- birth centre
- birth partner
- birth rate
- bore
- breech
- childbearing
- delivery room
- labour
- maternity suite
- maternity unit
- matrescence
- midwifery
- multiparous
- newborn
- rooming-in
- stillborn
uk/ˈhɪp.nəʊˌbɜːθ/us/ˈhɪp.noʊˌbɜ˞ːθ/to have ababyusingdeepbreathing,meditation, andvisualizationtohelpyourelaxanddealwithpain:
(用深呼吸,冥想和想象来帮助放松和处理疼痛的)催眠分娩,温柔分娩,静心冥想分娩Has anyone here hypnobirthed before?这里有人尝试过静心冥想分娩吗?
I hypnobirthed my littleboyinto theworld.我采用温柔分娩的方式把儿子带到了这个世界。
- We alsoofferrefresherclassesformumswho have hypnobirthedpreviously.
- Are hypnobirthedbabiesanycalmer?
- Manypeoplelookat me with aperplexedfacewhen Iexplainthat I hypnobirthed myC-section.
Obstetrics: birth
- antenatal
- antenatally
- Apgar score
- B, b
- birth centre
- birth partner
- birth rate
- bore
- breech
- childbearing
- delivery room
- labour
- maternity suite
- maternity unit
- matrescence
- midwifery
- multiparous
- newborn
- rooming-in
- stillborn