used for saying that apersonor thing ispartof aparticulargrouporamount:
包括…(在内)Eightpeople, including twochildren, wereinjuredin theexplosion.8人在爆炸中受伤,其中包括两名儿童。
IncludingChristmasDayand BoxingDay, I've got aweekoffwork.包括圣诞节和节礼日在内,我可以休一个星期的假。
- He hasadmittedcommittingseveralcrimes, including twomurders.
- Thehouseprice, includingfixturesandfittings, is £200 000.
- Thecarjourneytook threehours, including acoupleofstopstostretchourlegs.
- Theprimeministermetmanycivicleaders, including themayorand theleadersof theimmigrantcommunities.
- Their newhousehas fourstoreysincluding theattic.
Including and containing
- absorptive capacity
- all in
- assimilable
- assimilate
- buildsomethingin/intosomething
- carry
- cast
- encompass
- enshrine
- extend
- factor
- factorsomethingin
- forget
- package
- pepper
- peppersomethingwithsomething
- plug(something/someone)intosomething
- reincorporate
- reincorporation
- rich