uk/ɪnˈdaɪt.mənt/us/ɪnˈdaɪt.mənt/[usually singular]
something thatshowsapolicy,system,society, etc. isbadorwrong:
Itseemsto me to be adamningindictmentofthe government'seducationpolicy.
Thisblogis asadindictment ofourvacuouscelebrityobsession.
astatementthatcriticizessomeone or somethingstronglyfor beingbadorwrong:
He madesearingindictments of the Iraqwar.
I can'trememberthe lasttimeIreada morescathingindictment ofmarriage.
aformalstatementofaccusingsomeone of something:
Thechargeson the indictmentincludemurderandattemptedmurder.起诉书上的指控包括谋杀罪及谋杀未遂罪。
The indictmentallegesthat she did noworkfor some of thesepayments.
theactof making aformalstatementaccusingsomeone of something:
The indictment of anofficerinconnectionwith apolicechaseisextremelyrare.
Somecriminalcasesarenegotiatedpriorto indictment .
Blaming & accusing
- a bad workman blames his toolsidiom
- accusatory
- accuser
- accusingly
- allegedly
- attribution
- blame
- contributory negligence
- denunciation
- finger
- incriminate
- indict
- lay
- laysomethingatsomeone'sdooridiom
- levelsomethingagainst/atsomeone
- lightning conductor
- McCarthyite
- misattribute
- nail
- sacrificial lamb
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Disapproving & criticizing
Taking legal action