abonethatcurvesround fromyourback toyourchest:
肋骨Mysonbrokea rib when hefelloff aladder.我儿子从梯子上摔了下来,摔断了一根肋骨。

Renphoto/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
apieceofmeattaken from thispartof ananimal:
排骨(肉);肋条(肉)Hecookedrib oflambforSundaylunch.星期天午饭时他做了羊排。
See also
spare ribs

sinankocaslan/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
one of thecurvedpiecesofmetalorwoodthatsupportthestructureof aboatorroof
emesilva/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Sheelbowedme in the ribs before I could say anything.
- Two of her ribsfracturedwhen she wasthrownfrom herhorse.
- She gave me asharpjabin the ribs with herelbowtostopme from saying any more.
- Theknifewent through his ribs andpuncturedhislung.
- She had anX-raytoseeif any of her ribs werebroken.
Bone structures
- acetabular
- acetabulum
- acromial
- acromioclavicular
- acromion
- breastbone
- coccyx
- ilium
- intercarpal
- intercondylar
- intercostal
- interlaminar
- interosseous
- kneecap
- sacroiliac
- sacrospinous
- sacrotuberous
- sacrum
- sagittal
- trapezium
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Cuts of meat
Parts of buildings: roofs & parts of roofs
Parts of ships & boats
Physical supports and supporting
amethodofknittingthat makes apatternofraisedparallellines
凸条花纹织法;罗纹织法See also
Knitting & sewing
- appliqué
- appliquéd
- Aran
- Bargello
- baste
- haberdashery
- handknit
- handknitted
- hank
- hem
- overcast
- quilting
- reknit
- resew
- runsomethingup
- running stitch
- sampler
- seam
- sew
- stitch
poke/digsomeonein the ribs
informaluk/rɪb/us/rɪb/-bb-tojokeandlaughat someone in afriendlyway about something:
(善意地)取笑,逗弄,开…的玩笑Hisbrothersribbed himabouthis newgirlfriend.兄弟们拿他新交的女朋友取笑他。
See also
to tease someone
- teaseThe boys teased her mercilessly on the playground.
- jokeI've lost your passport. Only joking!
- kidI'm sorry, I forgot to get you a birthday present. Just kidding!
- pull someone's legIs that really your car or are you pulling my leg?
- ribHis brothers were ribbing him about his new girlfriend.
- make fun ofThe other children made fun of him because he wore glasses.
Humour & humorous
- amusingly
- barrel
- blackly
- bone dryidiom
- bring
- broadness
- facetious
- hilarious
- jocular
- joker
- jokester
- non-serious
- photobomb
- photobombing
- playfully
- playfulness
- rib-tickling
- ridiculous
- scream
- uproarious
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: