uk/raɪz/us/raɪz/rose|risenriseverb(MOVE UP)
上升;升高;升起Theballoonrosegently(up)into theair.气球慢慢升入空中。
At 6 a.m. wewatchedthesunrise(=appearandmoveupwardsin thesky).我们在早晨6点钟观看了日出。
Newbuildingsare rising(= beingbuilt)throughoutthecity.城中各处一座座新楼拔地而起。
figurativeMurmurs ofdisapprovalrosefrom(= came from)thecrowd.人群中传出一阵阵非难的抱怨声。
(尤指从坐姿)起身,站起,起立She rosefromherchairtowelcomeus.她从椅子上站起身来迎接我们。
He rosetohisfeettodeliverhisspeech.他站起来发表讲话。
to get out ofbed:
起床Mygrandfatherrises at five everymorningto do hisexercises.我祖父每天早晨5点起床锻炼。
If ariverrisessomewhere, it first comes out of thegroundthere:
(河流)发源The River Cam risesin/ataplacecalled Ashwell.剑河发源于一个叫阿什威尔的地方。
- Steam rose from thesimmeringstew.
- Suddenly, all herangerrose to thesurface.
- Whattimedoes themoonrise?
- Aswaterbeginstoboil,bubblesriseeverfasterto thesurface.
- This was acompanythat had risen from thedead.
Moving upwards
- ascend
- ascension
- ascent
- be on an upward/downward trajectoryidiom
- bristle
- clamber
- come
- come up
- heave
- hoick
- levitate
- levitation
- mount
- pull
- rear
- scale
- scramble
- shin
- shinny
- trajectory
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Animal physiology: not sleeping & not unconscious
Movement of liquids
增加,上涨,升高Inflation is rising at/by 2.1percentamonth.通货膨胀一个月增长2.1%。
Thewind/stormis rising(=beginningto getstronger).风/暴风雨越来越猛烈。
to increase
- increaseWe need to increase production to meet demand.
- growThe number of people living alone grows each year.
- risePrices rose by 10 per cent.
- go upHouse prices keep going up.
- escalateCrime in the city has escalated in recent weeks.
Whenemotions, etc. rise, theystarttoincrease:
(感情)变得强烈,激动Tempers are rising(=peoplearebecomingangry).人们越来越愤怒。
Myspiritsrise(= Ifeelhappier)wheneverIthinkof myfriends.一想到朋友们,我的心情就会好起来。
Shefeltpanicandterrorriseinherwhenevershethoughtof thefuture.一想到未来,她就会感到阵阵恐惧。
Hisvoicerose(=becamelouderorhigher)as he gotangry.他生气时就会扯高嗓门。
- Thedayafter theexplosionthedeathtollhad risen to 90.
- Usedcarsaleshave risen because of theincreasedcostof newcars.
- Employmentlevelsareunlikelyto risesignificantlybefore the end of nextyear.
- Thenumberofbusinessfailuresrosesteeplylastyear.
- The party'sshareof thevoterose from 11percentin the lastelectionto 21percentthistime.
Price increases
- accrual
- added value
- anti-inflation
- anti-inflationary
- appreciate
- bull market
- counter-inflation
- counter-inflationary
- go through the roofidiom
- inflate
- inflationary
- inflationary spiral
- overheat
- reinflate
- reinflation
- rocket
- roof
- runsomethingup
- shooting
- shrinkflation
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Increasing and intensifying
tobecomeimportant,successful, orpowerful:
变得重要(成功或有权力)After alongcareerwith thecompany, she has risentothepositionofchiefexecutive.在公司工作了很长时间之后,她升到了首席执行官的职位。
He rosetopoweras thecountryemergedfromitsfinancialcrisis.他在国家走出金融危机之时获得了权力。
Shequicklyrosethrough therankstobecomeheadofmarketing.她很快步步高升至市场部主管。
Thesingerhas risenfromhumbleoriginstobecomeone of the mostsuccessfulentertainersof alltime.这位出身卑微的歌手成为了历史上最成功的娱乐明星。
Being important and having importance
- bulk
- bulk largeidiom
- centrality
- come
- come beforesomething/someone
- count
- cut
- cut to the chaseidiom
- fish
- have bigger/other fish to fryidiom
- have/take pride of placeidiom
- high-stakes
- loom
- loom largeidiom
- matter
- mean the world tosomeoneidiom
- override
- pride
- reign
- signify
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Succeeding, achieving and fulfilling
矗立;隆起;高起Thegroundrises over there.那地方地势很高。
Thecastleisbuilton risingground(=groundhigherthanareasaround it).城堡建在一片高地上。
You canseethe Alps rising(=showingas ahigherarea)inthedistance/abovetheclouds.你可以看到阿尔卑斯山高高耸立在远方/高耸在云端之上。
Ifbreadordough(= asoftuncookedmixtureused for makingbread)rises, itbecomesbiggerbecause of theactionofyeast(= afungusused inbeerandbreadmaking):
(面包或面团)发起,发酵胀起Leave thedoughsomewherewarmto rise.把面团放在温暖的地方发酵。
- The temple'sgrandwhitearchesroseconspicuouslyover thedirtydecayingcity.
- At theunspoiledNorthBay, threewhitepyramidsrise likefuturisticsailsfrom thesea.
- Thewhitecliffsrisemajesticallyfrom thesea.
- Thegildeddomeof thecathedralrises above thecity.
- Theofficeblockrises above thesurroundingbuildings.
Moving upwards
- ascend
- ascension
- ascent
- be on an upward/downward trajectoryidiom
- bristle
- clamber
- come
- come up
- heave
- hoick
- levitate
- levitation
- mount
- pull
- rear
- scale
- scramble
- shin
- shinny
- trajectory
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Becoming bigger
riseverb(BE OPPOSED TO)
[Iusually+ adv/prep]
(of agroupofpeople) tobegintoopposeorfightabadgovernmentorruler:
(群众)反抗,起义Thepeoplerose(up) againsttheoppressor/tyrant/dictator.人民奋起反抗压迫者/暴君/独裁者。
Activism & pressure groups
- activism
- activist
- agitation
- agitator
- agitprop
- clicktivism
- clicktivist
- counter-demonstrate
- counter-demonstration
- counter-demonstrator
- identity politics
- insurgency
- insurrection
- interest group
- lobbyist
- social enterprise
- social entrepreneur
- special interest group
- super-lobbyist
- super-militant
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Taking action against people in power
riseverb(STOP WORK)
Ifparliamentor acourtrises, itstopswork:
(议会)休会,闭会;(法庭)休庭Parliament/Thecourtrose at 6 p.m.议会在下午6点休会/法庭在下午6点休庭。
Moving upwards
- ascend
- ascension
- ascent
- be on an upward/downward trajectoryidiom
- bristle
- clamber
- come
- come up
- heave
- hoick
- levitate
- levitation
- mount
- pull
- rear
- scale
- scramble
- shin
- shinny
- trajectory
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Working hours
Arise means ‘happen’ or ‘occur’. We use it with abstract nouns (e.g. problem). The three forms of arise are arise, arose, arisen. It is used in formal contexts:…Raiseorrise?
Raise must have an object, as it is a transitive verb. It is a regular verb; its three forms are raise, raised, raised:…Idioms
rise and shine!
rise from the dead/grave
rise to fame
rise to the bait
rise to the occasion/challenge
Phrasal verb
rise abovesomething
a 5percentriseininflation5%的通货膨胀
Augusthasseenalargerise in thenumberofunemployed.8月份失业人数剧增。
See also
pay rise
the fact of getting smaller or becoming less
- decreaseThere has been a steady decrease in the number of visitors.
- fallA fall in the price of petrol is unlikely.
- fall-offThere's been a sharp fall-off in demand for the product since the company's scandal broke.
- falling-offThere has been a slight falling-off in public sector employment growth.
- riseThere has been a sharp rise in home sales this month.
an increase
- increaseThere has been an sharp increase in municipal taxes this year.
- riseLast month saw a rise in the rate of inflation.
- gainWe are not seeing the gains in productivity that we expected.
- boostWe are hoping for a boost in sales this year.
on the rise
在上升,在增长Policesay thatyouthcrimeis on the rise again.警方称青少年犯罪再次增长。
- The rise in thevalueof thedollarhasdepressedthe company'sprofitsthisyear.
- There has been analarmingrise in therateofinflation.
- All theevidencepointsto asubstantialrise intrafficover the next fewyears.
- Sheclaimedthat the rise inunemploymentwas just afurthermanifestationof the government'sincompetence.
- The rise inhousepricesmeantthat those who weresellingenjoyedabonanza.
Increasing and intensifying
- -ify
- accretion
- accumulate
- accumulative
- add fuel to the fireidiom
- additive
- blaze
- crank
- explosive
- heighten
- hot up
- increase
- increment
- mushroom
- re-escalation
- redouble
- resurge
- rocket
- saturation
- stake
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Price increases
Measuring & weighing
risenoun(MOVEMENT UP)
theprocessofbecomingveryfamous,powerful, orpopular:
(地位的)升高,增强;成名;兴起Herrapidrisetofame/power/popularity, etc.meantthat she made manyenemies.她一夜之间成名/大权在握/走红意味着她树了很多敌人。
ascent(TO HIGHER POSITION)formal
- Thefilmtellsanewthestoryof his rise tofameandpower.
- Thegrouphad ameteoricrise tofamein the 70s.
- Her rise tofamewasquitephenomenal- in less than twoyearsshe was ahouseholdname.
- Thebandenjoyedaseeminglyunstoppablerise tosuccess.
- He's only doing it to get a rise out of you.
Making progress and advancing
- advancement
- age
- ahead
- ahead of
- anti-development
- carry
- flourish
- flower
- furtherance
- gather
- get beyondsomething
- get it togetheridiom
- journey
- mature
- pan
- ripen
- ripeness
- self-advancement
- self-betterment
- self-development
小山,丘;坡;高地Thecastleisbuilton aslightrise above thetown.城堡建在一个高出城镇的缓坡上。
Geography: hills & mountains
- acclivity
- craggy
- esker
- highlands
- hillock
- landform
- Marilyn
- mesa
- mid-ocean ridge
- motte
- pinnacle
- precipitous
- scarp
- spur
- steep
- the Adirondack Mountains
- the Alaska Range
- the Alps
- the Andes
- volcano
get a rise out of
give rise to