lateral flow test
uk/ˌlæt.ər.əl ˈfləʊ ˌtest/us/ˌlæt̬.ɚ.əl ˈfloʊ ˌtest/(alsolateral flow device)
asmallmedicaldevicethattestswhether or not there is aparticularsubstance,gene, etc. in asample:
侧流测试器Thecompanyhasbecomeamajorproduceroflateralflowtests, the mostfamiliarbeing "blue-strip"pregnancytests.该公司已成为侧流测试器的主要生产商,人们最熟悉的是 "蓝条 "妊娠测试。
Schools will beofferedrapidCovid-19testsusinglateralflowdevices.学校将提供使用侧流装置的快速Covid-19测试。
atestdone using asmallmedicaldevicethattestswhether or not there is aparticularsubstance,gene, etc. in asample:
侧流测试I've just had my firstlateralflowtest.我刚刚做了第一次侧流测试。
- Lateralflowtestsare asimpledeviceintendedtodetectthepresence(orabsence) of atargetanalyte insample.
- Then heinsertsapinkstick- alateralflowdevicethatresemblesahomepregnancytest- while anothertechnicianextractsDNA.
- Mylateralflowtestcame backnegative.
- Dr Amir Khandemonstrateshow to take alateralflowtest.
Medical treatment: symptoms & diagnosis of medical problems
- aerophobia
- aggressively
- amyloid
- antigen test
- asymptomatic
- contraindication
- echocardiogram
- lacunar
- laparoscopic
- laparoscopy
- phlebotomy
- present
- prognosis
- prognostic
- prognosticate
- prognostication
- questioning
- staging
- withdrawal symptoms
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