theactionoradvantageof using alever:
杠杆作用;杠杆效力Usingropesandwoodenpolesfor leverage, theyhaulsacksofcementup thetrack.利用绳子和木棍取得杠杆作用,他们把几大袋水泥从轨道上拖开。
Raising and lowering
- depress
- elevate
- elevated
- erect
- go down
- hike
- hikesomethingup
- hoick
- hoist
- jack
- jacksomethingup
- prise
- prize
- pry
- putsomethingup
- re-erect
- ride
- ride up
- run
- yo-yo
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Power to control
powertoinfluencepeopleand get theresultsyouwant:
影响力If theUnitedNationshad moretroopsin thearea, it would havegreaterleverage.如果联合国在该地区有更多的军队,就会有更大的影响力。
Power to control
- ascendancy
- authoritarianism
- be abovesomeone'spay gradeidiom
- big beast
- buysomethingin
- cradle
- hegemonic
- hegemonism
- hegemony
- implant
- influence
- ingrain
- lever
- power vacuum
- predominance
- puissance
- pull
- redetermination
- sway
- tooth
finance & economicsspecialized
therelationshipbetween theamountofmoneythat acompanyowestobanksand thevalueof thecompany
杠杆比率(公司举债数目与其价值之比)finance & economicsspecialized
theactof usingborrowedmoneytobuyaninvestmentor acompany:
借贷收购,信贷投机,杠杆作用With leverage, the investor's $100,000buys$500,000 or more ofstockif hewants.通过举债经营的方式,投资人的10万美元买到了价值50万美元或更多的股票。
Borrowing & lending
- amortizable
- amortization
- arrears
- bad debt
- bonded
- borrow
- borrowing
- credit rating
- holiday
- leveraged buyout
- over-borrowed
- overdraft
- overpayment
- pay downsomething
- pay off
- paysomeone/somethingback
- reschedule
- secure
- straight
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Mergers & acquisitions
to use something that you already have inordertoachievesomething new orbetter:
借助已有的…实现新(或更好)的目标We cangainamarketadvantageby leveragingournetworkofpartners.我们可以借助合伙人网络获得市场优势。
Affecting and influencing
- across-the-board
- affect
- applicability
- be/fall undersomeone'sinfluence/spellidiom
- bear
- bear onsomething
- carry
- colour
- inspiration
- instrumental
- interinfluence
- involve
- jerk
- pen
- shape
- spill
- spill over
- start(something)off
- tastemaker
- tell againstsomeone/something
finance & economicsspecialized
to useborrowedmoneytobuyaninvestmentorcompany:
借贷收购,信贷投机,杠杆作用Homeequityisinvaluableif you leverage it tobuildwealth.你的房产如果能作为贷款担保融资,那将极有价值。
finance & economicsspecialized
to usemoneyto get moremoney:
以钱生钱One of theeasiestwaysto leverage acharitablegiftis to getyouremployertomatchit.让一笔慈善捐赠款增加的最容易的办法是让你的雇主捐出同样多的钱。
Borrowing & lending
- amortizable
- amortization
- arrears
- bad debt
- bonded
- borrow
- borrowing
- credit rating
- holiday
- leveraged buyout
- over-borrowed
- overdraft
- overpayment
- pay downsomething
- pay off
- paysomeone/somethingback
- reschedule
- secure
- straight
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Mergers & acquisitions
Earning money