asmallanimalthatlookslike alizardbut hassoftskinandlivesboth onlandand inwater
Frank Deschandol & Philippe Sabine/Biosphoto/GettyImages
Reptile & amphibian names
- adder
- alligator
- amphibia
- amphibian
- anaconda
- chameleon
- cobra
- constrictor
- crocodile
- frog
- lizard
- loggerhead
- mamba
- monitor lizard
- newt
- slowworm
- snake
- spring peeper
- terrapin
- toad
salamandernoun[C](IN KITCHEN)
(alsosalamander grill)
apieceofkitchenequipmentwith whichfoodcan beheatedat a very hightemperaturefrom above, usedespeciallyin thekitchensofrestaurants:
Cook thesteakunder the salamander.
The salamandergrillgives off anintenseheat.
- Thedishis thenplacedunder a salamander until thecheesebrowns.
- A salamander is acommercialgrillthat can beheatedto hightemperatures.
- Thiselectricsalamander isidealforgrilling.
Kitchen appliances
- Aga
- air fryer
- blender
- broiler
- cafetière
- frier
- gas mark
- griddle
- grinder
- halogen hob
- liquidizer
- meat grinder
- mincer
- multicooker
- oven
- stovetop
- teakettle
- toaster
- toaster oven
- white goods