formingwords with thecorrectlettersin thecorrectorder, or theabilityto do this:
拼写;拼写能力He'shopelessat spelling.他的拼写简直糟透了。
Mycomputerhas aprogramwhichcorrectsmy spelling.我的计算机有纠正拼写错误的程序。
Youressayisfullof spellingmistakes/errors.你的文章里通篇都是拼写错误。
the way aparticularword isspelled:
(单词的)拼法Thisdictionaryincludesboth British and American spellingsofwords.本词典兼收单词的英国和美国拼法。
- "Is that thecorrectspelling?" "I don'tknow-lookit up in adictionary."
- Hisessaywasfullof spellingerrors.
- Nobody gotfullmarksin the spellingtest.
- TheirregularityofEnglishspellingmeansthat it iseasyto makemistakes.
- You'll bemarkeddown forpoorspelling andpunctuation.
Writing & typing
- asemic
- bashsomethingout
- borrow
- calligrapher
- carriage return
- fair
- jot
- minute
- overwrite
- re-registration
- readability
- recompose
- reformulate
- registration
- rekey
- scribble
- touch-type
- unwritten
- writ
- writing
Words in English are not always spelled as they are pronounced. Spelling in English follows some basic rules and the majority of English words (around 75%) follow these rules. You can learn the rules but there are always exceptions to the rules that need to be learned too.…Spelling: prefixes
When there is a prefix, we do not normally add or take away more letters:…Spelling and plurals
There are rules for the plurals of regular nouns and the -s forms of regular verbs.…Spelling: doubling consonants
We often double the final consonant of a word (b, d, g, l, m, n, p, r, t) when a suffix beginning with a vowel is added (-ed, -er, -est, -ing):…Spelling: dropping and adding letters
We often drop the final -e when a suffix beginning with a vowel is added to a word:…Spelling:ieorei?
If in doubt about ie or ei, when the sound of the vowel is as in brief /i:/, we spell it ie; but after the letter c, we spell it ei:…Spelling and verb forms
The past and -ed forms are the same in regular verbs. The following are the spelling rules for regular verbs.…British and American English Spelling
Here are some common differences between British and American English spelling. A good learner’s dictionary will give information about other spelling differences:…Addition of final -eto indicate long vowel
We use a final silent -e to indicate that the stressed vowel is long:…