stand forsth
—phrasal verbwithstandverbuk/stænd/us/stænd/stood|stood
If you will notstandfor something, you will notacceptasituationor aparticulartypeofbehaviour.
I wouldn'tstandfor thatsortofbehaviourfrom him, if I were you.我要是你的话,就不会容忍他那样的行为。
- I'm not going tostandfor thatsortofbehaviourin myclass.
- He can'tspeakto me like that - I'm not going tostandfor it!
- Herbehaviouristotallyout oforderand I'm not going tostandfor it.
- There has to come apointwhen you say, enough is enough, I'm not going tostandfor it.
- She wouldn'tbehavelike that with him - he wouldn'tstandfor it.
tosupportorrepresentaparticularideaor set ofideas
If one or morelettersstandfor a word orname, they are the firstletterorlettersof that word ornameand theyrepresentit.
GMTstandsfor Greenwich Mean Time.GMT 是 Greenwich Mean Time(格林尼治标准时间)的缩写。
- Idespisehim and everything hestandsfor.
- Thesocialistpartyhavelostsightof what theystandfor.
- So what do theystandfor - what'stheiragenda?
- The 'E' in herinitialsstandsfor 'Emma'.
- UFOstandsfor 'unidentifiedflyingobject'.