alarge,rectangularcontainerwith ahandle, forcarryingclothesand possessions whiletravelling:
(旅行用的)手提箱Have youpacked/unpackedyoursuitcaseyet?你把衣物都放进手提箱了吗/从手提箱里拿出来了吗?

s-cphoto/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Mydressgot allcrushedin my suitcase.
- The suitcase wasfullofdollarbills.
- Will youkeepyoureyeon my suitcase while I go to get thetickets?
- He is veryfastidiousabout how a suitcase should bepacked.
- My suitcasebegantofeelreallyheavyafter a while.
Containers for carrying personal possessions
- attaché case
- baggage
- baggage allowance
- billfold
- bindle
- briefcase
- excess baggage
- fanny pack
- garment bag
- grip
- hand luggage
- handbag
- pannier
- pillbox
- pocketbook
- portmanteau
- rucksack
- sack
- saddlebag
- satchel