bike path
USuk/ˈbaɪk ˌpɑːθ/us/ˈbaɪk ˌpæθ/(alsobicycle path);(UKcycle path)apathormarkedroutethat isintendedforpeopleridingbicycles:
We willfundprojectsincludingparks,trails, andbikepaths, in anefforttocombatobesity.我们将资助各种项目对抗肥胖症,包括公园、小径、自行车道等等。

Patarapol Tularak/EyeEm/GettyImages
- Many newdevelopmentsincludebikepaths, butrelativelyfewoldercitiescanfindtheroomormoneytofitthem in.
- Wewanttoencouragestatetransportationplannerstopaymoreattentiontohighwayalternatives, such asmasstransitandbikepaths.
- Creatinghealthiercommunitiescouldinvolvebuildingbikepathsornaturetrails.
- He waswalkingalong abikepathin hisneighborhood.
Roads & routes in general
- adopt
- adopted
- approach
- ascent
- bicycle lane/path
- bike lane
- exit
- impassable
- lane
- milk round
- multi-lane
- one-way
- outside lane
- roadworks
- route
- RR
- shortcut
- skid marks
- toll road
- tollway
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