the ark
uk/ɑːk/us/ɑːrk/the arknoun[S](SHIP)
(alsoNoah's ark)
(in theBible) alargewoodenshipbuiltby Noah inordertosavehisfamilyand amaleandfemaleof everytypeofanimalwhen theworldwascoveredby aflood
(《圣经》中的)挪亚方舟The Bible - people, events & places
- Adam
- annunciation
- apocalypse
- apostolic
- Armageddon
- Eden
- epistle
- epistolary
- evangelist
- eve
- Madonna
- manna
- psalm
- resurrection
- the last judgment
- the Last Supper
- the Magi
- the Second Coming
- the Ten Commandments
- the Torah
the arknoun[S](BOX)
the Ark of the Covenant(alsothe Ark)
(in theBible) awoodenboxthatcontainedthe writings ofJewishlaw, and thatrepresentedto thepeopleof Israel theideaofGodbeingpresentandleadingthem:
(《圣经》中的)约柜Many Ethiopiansbelievethat Aksum ishometo the Ark of the Covenant.
be/come out of the ark
went out with the ark