abuilding,room, oroutsidestructurewithrowsofseats, eachrowusuallyhigherthan the one infront, from whichpeoplecanwatchaperformanceor otheractivity:
剧院,戏院;电影院the Lyceum Theatre兰心剧院
→operating theatre

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- Pleaseexitthe theatre by thesidedoors.
- I'dfarrathergo to the theatre thanwatchavideo.
- All themajortheatres now havesponsors,especiallyfor high-costproductions.
- We hadseatsin thefrontrowof the theatre.
- The theatremanagedtoboostitsaudiencesbycuttingticketprices.
Public entertainment venues
- amphitheatre
- amusement arcade
- auditorium
- bandstand
- bar
- beer garden
- beer tent
- bowling alley
- drive-in
- fleshpot
- free house
- gastropub
- gazebo
- off-Broadway
- opera house
- palace
- party tent
- pick-up joint
- waxwork
- wine bar
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Theatres, cinemas & their parts
Medical places & organizations
Medical treatment: surgery
theatrenoun(PERFORMING ARTS)
(the writing orperformanceof)plays,opera, etc., written to beperformedinpublic:
戏剧;剧本,剧作;演出Hislatestplayhasdelightedtheatreaudiencesand theatrecriticsalike.观众和戏剧评论家都很喜欢他最新的剧作。
She made hercareerin thetheatre.她从事戏剧事业。
- In the 70s he was the enfantterribleof the theatre.
- He doesn't reallyknowa thing about the theatre - he's justposing!
- Theartsfestivalispre-eminentlyafestivalof theatre.
- She hasshunnedpublicitysince sheretiredfrom the theatre.
- There's a lot ofstraighttheatre at thefestivalas well as thenewer, moreexperimentalstuff.
Theatre - general words
- audio described
- audio description
- break
- break a legidiom
- community theatre
- diegetic
- double bill
- dramatize
- hold
- kabuki
- musical
- non-theatrical
- nondramatic
- premiere
- preview
- puppetry
- scenography
- slapstick
- thespian
- vaudeville
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Cinema & theatre: casting, roles & scripts
behaviourthat is notsincereand isintendedjust toproduceaparticulareffector toattractattention:
Attention-seeking, distracting and showing off
- chichi
- conspicuous consumption
- dressed
- dressed (up) to the ninesidiom
- flamboyance
- flamboyantly
- flashsomethingaround
- flashily
- flaunt
- gimmick
- grandstanding
- hotdog
- ostentatious
- peacocking
- posture
- push(something)forward
- razzmatazz
- self-conscious
- self-consciously
- self-consciousness
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Affected & insincere
anareaorplacein whichimportantmilitaryeventshappen:
战区,战场a theatre ofwar战场
Places involved in military activity
- air bridge
- air corridor
- bases
- Bastille
- battlefield
- battleground
- camp
- emplacement
- enceinte
- fort
- front
- front-line
- garrison
- Martello tower
- multi-front
- observation post
- obstacle course
- parade ground
- PX
- unmanned