ajourneyin which you gosomewhere, usually for ashorttime, and come back again:
(通常指短途的)旅行,行程The tripfromYorktoNewcastletakesabout anhourbytrain.乘火车从约克到纽卡斯尔大约要花1个小时。
We're goingona trip to Norway thissummer.我们今年夏天去挪威旅行。
Ithoughtwe mighthireamotorboatandtakea tripround/aroundthebay.我觉得我们可以租一艘汽艇,绕着海湾兜一圈。
mainlyUKWe can'taffordanother tripabroadthisyear.今年我们没钱再次去国外旅行。
It's a ten-mile trip from theairportto thehotel.从机场到市中心有10英里路。
She's away on abusinesstrip and won't be back until nextweek.她出差了,下周才回来。
Do youwantto go on theschooltrip to France thisyear?今年你想参加学校的法国旅行活动吗?
I wasthinkingwe could go on ashoppingtrip to New York thisweekend.我在想我们周末可以去纽约购物。
- You should alwayscheckyouroil,waterandtyresbefore takingyourcaron alongtrip.
- How about a trip to thezoothisafternoon?
- She's going on a trip to New York, allexpensespaid.
- Thetravelcompanyhas written givinginformationabout the trip.
- He's always going off around theworldonbusinesstrips,leavinghiswifetocopewith thebabiesby herself.
- adventure
- break-journey
- carpool
- carpooling
- circumnavigation
- commuting
- expedition
- field trip
- flight
- grand tour
- haul
- jaunt
- journey
- junket
- layover
- odyssey
- ride
- sail
- stopover
- wanderings
[Cusually singular]
anoccasionwhen youknockyourfootagainst something andfallorloseyourbalance, or someonecausesyou to do this, when you arewalkingorrunning:
绊,绊倒Shebrokeheranklewhen she had anastytrip on thestairs.她在楼梯上重重地绊了一跤,把脚踝摔断了。

Mario Lalich/The Image Bank/GettyImages
Falling and dropping
- ass
- collapse/fall in a heapidiom
- cropper
- crumple
- drop
- drop like fliesidiom
- drop off
- faceplant
- fall away
- fly
- let goidiom
- mic drop
- nosedive
- overbalance
- parachutist
- plunge
- pratfall
- shower
- thump
- wayside
anexperiencein which someonesees,hears, orfeelsthings that do notexistas aresultof taking anillegaldrug:
(服用毒品后)产生幻觉If you take thisstuffwhen you'redepressed, you'llhavea reallybadtrip.如果你心情沮丧时服用这种东西,会产生一种特别不舒服的幻觉。
[Cusually singular]mainlyUSinformal
apersonorexperiencethat isstrangeorentertainingandexciting:
奇怪的,有娱乐性的,令人激动的人(或经历)Myscienceteacheris such a trip - he says the mostbizarrethings.我的科学课老师真有娱乐性,他会说一些最奇怪的事情。
guilt/power/ego tripdisapproving
aperiodoftimewhen youexperienceaparticularfeelingstrongly:
强烈的内疚/拥有权力的快感/极度自负心理She's beenonarealpowertrip since shebecametheofficemanager.自从成为办公室主管后,她就一直陶醉在拥有权力的喜悦之中。
Isufferfrom theclassicworkingmother'sguilttrip.我像众多有工作的妈妈一样,对孩子深感歉疚。
Drugs - general words
- abstinence
- abstinence-only
- bindle
- biosimilar
- chase
- medicament
- multidrug
- non-intoxicant
- non-intoxicating
- nondrug
- peddler
- push
- shoot
- snort
- spliff
- spliff up
- substance
- substance abuse
- whacked
- wiped out
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Feelings - general words
uk/trɪp/us/trɪp/-pp-tripverb(LOSE BALANCE)
toloseyourbalanceafterknockingyourfootagainst something when you arewalkingorrunning, or tocausesomeone to do this:
绊,绊倒He tripped andfelldown,grazinghisknee.他绊了个跟头,擦伤了膝盖。
Thatcableisdangerous. Someone might tripoverit.那根电缆很危险,可能会绊到人。
He wassentoff fordeliberatelytripping Robson when he was about toscore.他因故意绊倒正要起脚射门得分的罗布森而被罚下场。
to go down onto the ground suddenly
- fallShe slipped and fell.
- dropSeveral apples dropped from the tree.
- collapseSeveral buildings collapsed in the earthquake.
- crumpleHe fainted and crumpled into a heap on the floor.
- tumbleA huge rock tumbled down the mountain.
- plungeFour of the mountaineers plunged to their deaths when their ropes broke.
- Thebowlertripped as he wasdeliveringtheball.
- She tripped andfellover.
- I tripped as I got off thebus.
- She tripped over therug.
- I tripped on apieceofwirethat someone hadstretchedacrossthepath.
Falling and dropping
- ass
- collapse/fall in a heapidiom
- cropper
- crumple
- drop
- drop like fliesidiom
- drop off
- faceplant
- fall away
- fly
- let goidiom
- mic drop
- nosedive
- overbalance
- parachutist
- plunge
- pratfall
- shower
- thump
- wayside
[Iusually+ adv/prep]
轻快地走Shelookedstunningas she trippeddownthestairsin herballgown.她身着晚礼服轻盈地走下楼梯,显得光彩照人。
Moving quickly
- agility
- beetle
- bowl down/alongsomething
- careen
- career
- gallop
- gun
- leg
- outsail
- pelt
- rush
- scamper
- scoot
- scrabble
- scramble
- scud
- shoot
- stampede
- ton
- trot
tomoveaswitchthatoperatesanelectricalsystem, or tocausesuch asystemtostartorstopworkingbymovingaswitch:
转动(开关);转动开关开动(或关掉)Aspecialsystempreventsthecircuitryfrom being trippedaccidentallyby apowersurgeorlightningstrike.有一种特殊系统防止电路因电力激增或闪电而被意外切断。
Electricity & electronics
- anti-static
- arc
- bitstream
- brownout
- capacitance
- chargeable
- charged
- conduct
- electromagnetism
- generate
- hydropower
- negatively
- non-electric
- non-electrical
- non-electronic
- non-polar
- photoelectric
- piezoelectric
- pylon
- resistance
toexperiencetheeffectsof taking anillegaldrugthatcausestheusertosee,hear, orfeelthings that do notexist:
(服用毒品后)产生幻觉As astudenthespenta lot oftimetrippingout onLSD.他在学生时代经常服用迷幻药,成天晕晕乎乎。
Drugs - general words
- abstinence
- abstinence-only
- bindle
- biosimilar
- chase
- medicament
- multidrug
- non-intoxicant
- non-intoxicating
- nondrug
- peddler
- push
- shoot
- snort
- spliff
- spliff up
- substance
- substance abuse
- whacked
- wiped out
trip off the tongue
Phrasal verb