waste picker
uk/ˈweɪst ˌpɪk.ər/us/ˈweɪst ˌpɪk.ɚ/(USalsotrash picker)
someone wholooksthroughrubbishtofindthings they can use orsell:
Thepictureshowsafemalewastepickerat alandfillsitein Kathmandu.
Wastepickersare the “invisibleheroes” of the country'srecyclingindustry.
(USusuallytrash picker);(UKusuallylitter picker)
adevicelike alongstickwith twopartson the end that can beopenedandpressedtogether using ahandleat thetopof thestick, inordertopickupsmallpiecesofrubbishfrom theground:
Alwayscarrythisusefulfoldablewastepickerwith you whenwalkingthedog.
- Weaimtochangethelivesof thewastepickercommunity.
- Wastepickersare theforgottenessentialelementin therecyclingeconomy.
- How often do wethinkabout theubiquitouswastepickerswho not onlycollectthegarbage, but oftensiftthroughheapsofrubbishon thestreets.
- Wastepickersworkby using apullcordtoclamptogether twojawsat the end of astick.
People who clean & tidy places & things
- chambermaid
- char
- charlady
- charwoman
- chimney sweep
- clean freak
- daily
- dishwasher
- domestic
- home help
- housekeeper
- kitchen porter
- neat freak
- scullion
- squeegee man
- sweep
- sweeper
- trash picker
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Equipment used for cleaning
Poles, rods, shafts and sticks