释义 |
A1[U]aclearliquid, withoutcolourortaste, thatfallsfrom theskyasrainand isnecessaryforanimalandplantlife: 水 abottle/drink/glassof water一瓶/份/杯水 bottled/mineral/tapwater瓶装/矿泉/自来水 hot/coldwater热/冷水 Can I have adropof water in mywhisky,please?请在我的威士忌里加一点水,好吗? Is there enoughhotwater for abath?这水洗澡够不够热? Thehumanbodyis about 50percentwater.人体约50%是水。  Harjono Amidjojo/EyeEm/GettyImages A2[U]anareaof water, such as thesea, alake, or aswimmingpool: 水域;大片的水 The water'swarm- are you coming in?水挺暖和的——你来游泳吗? I don't like getting myheadunder(= in)water.我不喜欢把头浸在水里。 Dad, Iswamawholelengthof thepoolunderwater(= with thewholeheadandbodybelow thesurfaceof the water)!爸爸,我潜泳游完了游泳池的一个全程! [U]thelevelof anareaof water: 水位 Theriverisdifficulttocrossduringperiodsof high water.涨水的时候这条河很难过去。 [U]old-fashioneda way of referring tourine(=yellowishliquidwastefrom thebody): Is there anypainwhen youpasswater? Ifyourwater isdark, it maymeanyou aredehydrated. waters[plural] theareaofseanear to andbelongingto aparticularcountry: (某个国家的)领海,海域St Luciadependsonitscleancoastalwaters foritsincome.圣卢西亚岛的收入靠的是其清洁的近海水域。 the watercontainedin aparticularlake,river, orpartof thesea: (某一湖泊、河流或海洋的)水域In theshallowwaters of the Gulf of Mexico,oilrigsattractfish.在墨西哥湾的浅海水域,石油钻塔吸引了大量的鱼群。 UK(USwater)theliquidthatsurroundsababyinside apregnantwoman'swomb: 羊水 At 3 a.m. her watersbroke, and thebabywasbornsoonafter.凌晨3点,她的羊水破了,婴儿也很快就出生了。 the waters[plural] water from aspring,especiallywhen used in the past fordrinkingorswimmingin, inordertoimprovethehealth: 泉水People used to come to thiscitytotake(=drinkorswimin)the waters.人们过去常来这座城市享用这里的泉水。 - Hot watercirculatesthrough theheatingsystem.
- The water in thelakeis soclearthat you canseethebottom.
- The watersupplyis beingtestedforcontamination.
- You'lldehydrateveryquicklyin thisheat, if you don'tdrinklotsof water.
- Thelightreflectedoff thesurfaceof the water.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesWater in general - aquatically
- aqueous
- bathwater
- bathymetric
- bathymetry
- brackish
- briny
- distilled water
- ditchwater
- freshwater
- grey water
- hypersaline
- hypersalinity
- non-turbulent
- overwater
- rainwater
- salt water
- soft water
- storm surge
- wet
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Floods, tides & currents Animal physiology: urine & urinating Seas & oceans Obstetrics: pregnancy Idioms(like) water off a duck's back water under the bridge murky/uncharted waters waterverb(GIVE WATER)B2[T]topourwater on toplantsor thesoilthat they aregrowingin: 给…浇水;灌溉 I'veaskedmyneighbourto water theplantswhile I'm away.我已经请邻居在我不在的时候帮忙给那些植物浇水。 [T]to give ananimalwater todrink: 给(动物)喂水;饮(动物) Thehorseshad beenfedand watered.已经给马喂过饲料饮过水了。 - I've just watered thetomatoes.
- Thecucumbersneed to be watered everyday.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesGardening - general words - allotmenteer
- allotmenteering
- aquaponics
- arborist
- beanpole
- bed
- blanch
- graft
- guerrilla gardening
- hanging basket
- hedgerow
- hedging
- homegrown
- potsomethingoff
- potsomethingon
- potsomethingup
- prune
- repot
- scythe
- turf
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: waterverb(PRODUCE LIQUID)C2[I]Ifyourmouthwaters, itproducesa lot ofsaliva, usually because you canseeorsmellsomefoodthat you would like toeat: 流口水 Thesmellof thatbreadis making mymouthwater!那种面包的香味让我直流口水! [I]Whenyoureyeswater, theyproducetearsbut not because you areunhappy: (并非因为难过而)流眼泪 How do youstopyoureyesfrom watering when you'recuttinguponions?切洋葱时你是如何让眼睛不流泪的呢? SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAnimal physiology: bodily fluids & their production - beaded
- bilirubin
- bogey
- bogy
- bucket
- discharge
- dribble
- dribbling
- gob
- jism
- lather
- perspiration
- pus
- snot
- sperm
- spit
- synovial
- transpiration
- uric acid
- weeping
See more results » used toformadjectives: (用于构成形容词)freshwaterfish淡水鱼 asaltwaterlagoon咸水泻湖 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesWater in general - aquatically
- aqueous
- bathwater
- bathymetric
- bathymetry
- brackish
- briny
- distilled water
- ditchwater
- freshwater
- grey water
- hypersaline
- hypersalinity
- non-turbulent
- overwater
- rainwater
- salt water
- soft water
- storm surge
- wet
See more results » (Definition ofwaterfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)A1[U]aclearliquid, withoutcolourortaste, thatfallsfrom theskyasrainand isnecessaryforanimalandplantlife 水abottle/drink/glassof water一瓶/份/杯水 bottled/mineral/tapwater瓶装/矿泉/自来水 hot/coldwater热/冷水 Can I have adropof water in mywhisky,please?请在我的威士忌里加一点水,好吗? Is there enoughhotwater for abath?这水洗澡够不够热? Thehumanbodyis about 50percentwater.人体约50%是水。 A2[U]anareaof water, such as thesea, alake, or aswimmingpool 水域;大片的水The water'swarm- are you coming in?水挺暖和的——你来游泳吗? I don't like getting myheadunder(= in)water.我不喜欢把头浸在水里。 Dad, Iswamawholelengthof thepoolunderwater(= with thewholeheadandbodybelow thesurfaceof the water)!爸爸,我潜泳游完了游泳池的一个全程! [U]thelevelof anareaof water 水位Theriverisdifficulttocrossduringperiodsof high water.涨水的时候这条河很难过去。 waters[plural] theareaofseanear to andbelongingto aparticularcountry (某个国家的)领海,海域St Luciadependsonitscleancoastalwaters foritsincome.圣卢西亚岛的收入靠的是其清洁的近海水域。 the watercontainedin aparticularlake,river, orpartof thesea (某一湖泊、河流或海洋的)水域In theshallowwaters of the Gulf of Mexico,oilrigsattractfish.在墨西哥湾的浅海水域,石油钻塔吸引了大量的鱼群。 UK(USwater)theliquidthatsurroundsababyinside apregnantwoman'swomb 羊水At 3 a.m. her watersbroke, and thebabywasbornsoonafter.凌晨3点,她的羊水破了,婴儿也很快就出生了。 the waters[plural] water from aspring,especiallywhen used in the past fordrinkingorswimmingin, inordertoimprovethehealth 泉水People used to come to thiscitytotake(=drinkorswimin)the waters.人们过去常来这座城市享用这里的泉水。 - Hot watercirculatesthrough theheatingsystem.
- The water in thelakeis soclearthat you canseethebottom.
- The watersupplyis beingtestedforcontamination.
- You'lldehydrateveryquicklyin thisheat, if you don'tdrinklotsof water.
- Thelightreflectedoff thesurfaceof the water.
Idioms(like) water off a duck's back water under the bridge murky/uncharted waters waterverb(GIVE WATER)B2[T]topourwater on toplantsor thesoilthat they aregrowingin 给…浇水;灌溉I'veaskedmyneighbourto water theplantswhile I'm away.我已经请邻居在我不在的时候帮忙给那些植物浇水。 [T]to give ananimalwater todrink 给(动物)喂水;饮(动物)Thehorseshad beenfedand watered.已经给马喂过饲料饮过水了。 - I've just watered thetomatoes.
- Thecucumbersneed to be watered everyday.
waterverb(PRODUCE LIQUID)C2[I]Ifyourmouthwaters, itproducesa lot ofsaliva, usually because you canseeorsmellsomefoodthat you would like toeat. 流口水Thesmellof thatbreadis making mymouthwater!那种面包的香味让我直流口水! [I]Whenyoureyeswater, theyproducetearsbut not because you areunhappy. (并非因为难过而)流眼泪How do youstopyoureyesfrom watering when you'recuttinguponions?切洋葱时你是如何让眼睛不流泪的呢? (用于构成形容词)freshwaterfish淡水鱼 asaltwaterlagoon咸水泻湖 water| American Dictionaryaclear,colorlessliquidthatfallsfrom theskyasrainand isnecessaryforanimalandplantlife: adrink/glassof water bottled/tapwater cold/hotwater I’mboilingwater to make some morecoffee. The water often refers to anareaof water, such as theseaor alake: The water’s muchwarmertoday – are you coming for aswim? Waters is anareaofnaturalwater, such as apartof thesea: toprovidewater to aplantoranimal: [T]I’veaskedmyneighborto water theplantswhile I’m away. Whenyoureyeswater, theyproducetearsbut not because you areunhappy: [I]Theicywindmade hiseyeswater. Ifyourmouthwaters, itproducesa lot ofsaliva, usually because you canseeorsmellfoodthat you would like toeat: [I]Thesmellof thatbreadis making mymouthwater. (Definition ofwaterfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofwaterwater It developed plans to offer medical care, hospital treatment, electricity, andwatertrucking.From theCambridge English Corpus Besides nutrients and light, rice and weeds also competed forwater.From theCambridge English Corpus This testa probably reduced the rate ofwaterloss and protected the embryo from physical injury.From theCambridge English Corpus The first term represents a bare site and the next two terms refer to the interaction withwaterand with denaturant respectively.From theCambridge English Corpus In addition, the dielectric constant in the pore region should be set to 1 where thewatermolecules are represented explicitly (but see discussion below).From theCambridge English Corpus The food/watermixture was replaced every other day.From theCambridge English Corpus In order to define a radius for the ion one needs a constant value for the radius of thewater.From theCambridge English Corpus Thewater-transporting function of aquaporins is likely responsible for these roles.From theCambridge English Corpus The existence of discrete levels of criticalwaterpotential is suggestive of specific stresses that cells must accommodate during the acquisition of desiccation tolerance.From theCambridge English Corpus Removingwaterfrom living tissues causes a series of dehydration stresses.From theCambridge English Corpus No town could have survived withoutwatersupplies.From theCambridge English Corpus This is not necessarily so, as is evidenced by the financial problems of the potablewatersystems in all three states.From theCambridge English Corpus Then thewatercomposition approximately oscillates at each point of the aquifer in phase with thewatervelocity.From theCambridge English Corpus In addition to the milking, the izinceku also tended to the king's oxen and fetchedwaterfor the king in gourds.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. CollocationswithwaterwaterThese are words often used in combination withwater. Click on a collocation to see more examples of it. boiling water The samples were placed in a boiling water bath for 10 min and then placed on ice. From theCambridge English Corpus brackish water The infection process of mullets with these cercariae is discussed in relation to salinity conditions prevailing in a brackish water stream. From theCambridge English Corpus clean water She was supplied with blotting paper which had been soaked in clean water. From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/water## |