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单词 win
present participlewinning|past tense and past participlewon
toachievefirstpositionand/or get aprizein acompetition,election,fight, etc.
Whichyearwas it that Italy won the World Cup?意大利是哪一年赢得世界杯的?
He won firstprize/abottleofwinein theraffle.他在抽彩中赢得了一等奖/一瓶酒。
Who's winning?谁会取胜?
This is the thirdmedalshe's won thisseason.这是本赛季她赢得的第3块奖牌。
Who won the men'sfinalsat the Open?网球男子决赛谁赢了?
They won thewar,althoughitcostthem millions oflives.尽管牺牲了数百万人的生命,但他们赢得了战争的胜利。
If thisgovernmentwin the nextelection, I'mleavingthecountry.如果这个政府在下次选举中获胜,我就离开这个国家。
Everyonelikeswinning anargument.每个人都希望在争论中取胜。
[+ two objects]It was hisgoalthat won us thematch/won thematchforus.是他的进球使我们赢得了比赛。
Herfirmhas just won(=beatenothercompaniesto get)acleaningcontractworth£3 million.她的公司刚刚赢得了一份数额为300万英镑的保洁合同。
toreceivesomethingpositive, such asapproval,loyalty, orlovebecause you haveearnedit
Herplanshave won thesupportof manylocalpeople.她的计划赢得了很多当地民众的支持。
This is Jamie, the four-yearoldwho wontheheartsof thenation(= made everyonelovehim and/orfeelsympathyfor him).这就是杰米,受到全国人民关爱的4岁孩子。
She would do anything to win hislove.为了获得他的爱,她什么都愿意做。
Winningbackhistrustwas thehardestpart.重新赢得他的信任是最难的部分。
More examples
  • Brazilarefavouritesto win this year's World Cup.
  • He won theawardforbestactor, anddeservedlyso.
  • Whoever wins theelectionis going to have adifficultjobaheadof them.
  • Arecurringkneeinjurymay haveimpairedhischancesof winning thetournament.
  • Shedeliveredafinalservefrom thebaselineto win thematch.


sbcan't win
win big
win hands down
win the day
you can't win 'em all
you win!

Phrasal verbs

win out
win through
anoccasionwhen someone wins agameorcompetition
It was the team's sixthconsecutivewin thisseason.这是联队在本赛季取得的第六场连胜。
Everyone waspredictingaRepublicanwin at the lastelectionandlookwhathappened.所有人都预测共和党会在上届大选中获胜,看看发生了什么。
More examples
  • Theteamwent all out for a win.
  • It was onlytheirsecond win of theseason.
  • This win will go down inhistory.
  • We need two wins todislodgetheFrenchteamfrom firstplace.
  • In the end, thematchfinishedin a win for thehomeside.


To be more precise, he runs away from the law by defiantly refusing towinthe race as the favourite competitor.
From theCambridge English Corpus
In majoritarian systems, the winning party's leader is inevitably the prime minister.
From theCambridge English Corpus
In other words, voters had good reason to vote strategically within parties to maximize the number of seats their side wouldwin.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Suppose further that, in response to some past wrongdoing, an omnipotent being changes one of the numbers on the winning ticket.
From theCambridge English Corpus
They all gained some position of status, never mind how, sufficient towinthe respect of the general public.
From theCambridge English Corpus
In practice, it is unlikely that many in fact won their income by providing day-labour for such a long period.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Then although it is highly unlikely that your ticket is the winner, this cannot make it rational to accept that your ticket won'twin.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The underlying idea is that whoever wins the verbal argument will also be ethically right.
From theCambridge English Corpus
This can occur if it is possible for one of the losing candidates towina seat when the other losing candidate(s) is dropped.
From theCambridge English Corpus
If they both show the same side, the first agent wins, otherwise the second agent wins.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The evidence suggests, therefore, that won has no subject-number feature at all, rather than that it is ambiguous between singular and plural.
From theCambridge English Corpus
And it is not just that music has traditionally won, but along with it, a dramatic and representational vocabulary subservient to the music.
From theCambridge English Corpus
As always in times of retrenchment, elected officials have needed towinthe goodwill of voters and interest groups for these unpopular cutbacks.
From theCambridge English Corpus
If a candidate wins a majority of the total votes cast in the district in the first round, he or she is elected.
From theCambridge English Corpus
For this it won international appreciation and prestige.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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