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单词 come around/round
释义 come around/round
1.regain consciousness;recover from ill temper;get back health苏醒;恢复理智;恢复健康
*The girl fainted,but she came around after an injection.那个女孩昏了过去,但是打了一针后就醒了过来。
*Don't scold the boy;he will come around in time.不要责骂孩子,到时候他的坏脾气会改的。
*You need not worry.This patient will come around very soon.你不必担心,这位病人很快即可痊愈。
*After this muchneeded rain my flowers will come around again.下了这场及时雨,我的花会重新恢复生机的。
2.change one's opinion改变主意
*Don't worry.The chairman will soon come around to our opinion.不要担心,主席很快就会转而同意我们的看法的。
*John's opposed to our ideas at present,but in time he'll come around.约翰目前反对我们的意见,不过到时他会改变看法的。
3.happen or appear again and again in regular order定期出现;到来
*The Midautumn Festival will come around soon.中秋节不久就要来临。
*Evening shift for each member of the staff comes around every ten days.所有职员每10天轮流值一次晚班。 a visit拜访
*Why don't you come around and see us in the evening?为什么不在晚间过来看看我们呢?




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