释义 |
combnoun[C](FOR HAIR)A2aflatpieceofplastic,wood, ormetalwith athinrowoflong,narrowpartsalong oneside, used totidyandarrangeyourhair 梳子  onebluelight/E+/GettyImages asmallcomb-shapedobjectthat women put intheirhairtoholdtheirhairaway fromtheirfaceor fordecoration 梳状发卡;梳状发饰 Marlena Krzywicka ( Szymanska)/FOAP/GettyImages - I can'tfindmybrush, but I still have my comb.
- Can Iborrowyourcomb?.
- I alwayscarrya comb in myhandbag.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesHair care - argan oil
- blow dryer
- blowout
- bobble
- bobby pin
- brush
- coconut oil
- curling tongs
- delouse
- gel
- hair gel
- hairdryer
- hairgrip
- lacquer
- permanent wave
- relaxer
- roller
- snood
- straighteners
- styling
See more results » combnoun[C](CHICKEN)asoft,red,growthon a chicken'shead 鸡冠 GlobalP/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesThe head & neck of non-human animals - antler
- beak
- cockscomb
- crested
- crop
- dewlap
- horn
- horned
- jaw
- maw
- neck
- nose
- pouch
- proboscis
- scruff
- sucker
- trunk
- tufted
- tusk
- wattle
See more results » combverb[T](TIDY HAIR)B1totidyyourhairusing a comb: 梳,梳理 She combed herhairand put on somelipstick.她梳好头发,抹了点口红。 I've beentryingto combout(=removeusing a comb)theknotsin herhair.我一直想把她头发上的结梳开。 - I combed myhairbefore Ilefthome.
- Combyourhairbefore you haveyourphototaken.
- She combed herhairwith herfingers.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesHair care - argan oil
- blow dryer
- blowout
- bobble
- bobby pin
- brush
- coconut oil
- curling tongs
- delouse
- gel
- hair gel
- hairdryer
- hairgrip
- lacquer
- permanent wave
- relaxer
- roller
- snood
- straighteners
- styling
See more results » combverb[T](SEARCH)tosearchaplaceor anareaverycarefullyinordertofindsomething: 认真搜寻;仔细搜查Thepolicecombed thewholeareaforevidence.警方为了寻找证据搜遍了整个地区。 Investigators combedthroughthewreckage.调查人员在残骸中认真搜寻。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto search for something - searchI've searched everywhere and can't find my passport.
- lookShe was looking in her handbag for a pen.
- huntI've hunted all over the place but I can't find that book.
- rummageHe rummaged through his pockets, looking for his keys.
- ferret outThe inspector general has broad powers to ferret out fraud on the state and local level.
- combPolice combed the area for evidence.
See more results » SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSearching - -seeking
- beachcomb
- beachcomber
- beachcombing
- body search
- bounty hunter
- divine
- hunting ground
- keepyour/aneye out forsomeone/somethingidiom
- leave no stone unturnedidiom
- manhunt
- mudlark
- needle
- scout
- scratch
- scrounge around
- search
- seeksomeone/somethingout
- seeker
- troll
See more results » (Definition ofcombfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)comb| American Dictionarycombnoun[C](HAIR TOOL)astripofplastic,wood, ormetalwith arowoflong,narrowpartsalong oneside, which is used toarrangeorholdthehair: Combs have been used fromancienttimesby women toholdandfixtheirhair. combverb[T](SEARCH)tosearchaplaceor anareaverycarefully: Thepolicecombed thesurroundingwoodsforevidence. combverb[T](USE HAIR TOOL)toarrangeyourhairbypullinga comb through it: She combed herhairand put on somelipstick. (Definition ofcombfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofcombcomb The difficult part is encoding: we have to transform a generalised duplicator into a generalised sharing, that is, a tree into acomb.From theCambridge English Corpus Filaments are forming dense, interconnected fibrous cylinders around eachcombcell (fc).From theCambridge English Corpus Nailed either to small hand cards, or to large cylinders in carding machines, this process loosened matted wool without combing it straight.From theCambridge English Corpus If the multitude of modes in eachcombacts coherently as a single mode, one can expect to see periodicity.From theCambridge English Corpus The dorsal spines of thecombare nearly as long as the ventral portion of the pronotum, while the lateral spines are quite short.From theCambridge English Corpus Thecombfilter produced a pitched quality by resonating at certain pitches when excited by the speech input.From theCambridge English Corpus It may be aggravated by chewing, combing the hair or wearing spectacles.From theCambridge English Corpus As they walked, they waggled their abdomens from side to side, while their hind legs moved backwards and forwards, apparently combing pollen from the anthers.From theCambridge English Corpus This configuration colours the input sound, as it boosts certain frequencies and attenuates others, in a shape resembling the teeth of acomb.From theCambridge English Corpus The termites utilize the fungal nodules and the fungus combs are degraded by the fungi.From theCambridge English Corpus For example, for thecombfilter, the position sensor controls delay and gain and the pressure sensor controls feedback levels.From theCambridge English Corpus The major statutes and court cases have been combed through by legal specialists from a dozen different angles.From theCambridge English Corpus The set can be considered as the union of two topologist's combs.From theCambridge English Corpus Note that, in the cases m = 0 and m = 1, this agrees with our previous definitions ofcomband once-iteratedcomb.From theCambridge English Corpus This can only be done with a coil binding, not with acombbinding.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/comb## |