old useuk/kəˈraʊ.zəl/us/kəˈraʊ.zəl/theactofcelebratingandenjoyingyourself, usually bydrinkingalcoholandspeakingandlaughingloudlywith otherpeople:
狂欢作乐Hereturnedhomeafter anightof carousal andheavydrinking.他在一夜狂欢和痛饮后回到家中。
We went on withourmerrycarousals.我们继续着我们的快乐狂欢。
- Thecaptainwaspreparingtosailaway, and had thembrewthealefortheirpartingcarousal.
- Localgovernmentofficialsaretryingtocurbtheopeninghoursofbarsandclubs, but they areswimmingagainst thetideofenthusiasmfornocturnalcarousal.
- Thepopulacedevotedthemselves tosongs,dances, carousal, andfornication.
- He was thelifeandsouloftheirperennialcarousals.
Celebrations, parties & special occasions
- a night on the townidiom
- afterparty
- April Fool's Day
- baby shower
- bachelor party
- backslapping
- dinner dance
- Easter egg hunt
- fayre
- feast
- fest
- masquerade
- mela
- Mother's Day
- New Year's Eve
- trick-or-treating
- Valentine's Day
- wassail
- wassailer
- wassailing