environmentspecializeduk/æntˈhiː.li.ən/us/æntˈhiː.li.ən/pluralantheliauk/æntˈhiː.li.ə/us/æntˈhiː.li.ə/abrightspotin theskythatlookslike asunand is at the sameheightas thesun, butappearsoppositeit:
幻日,反假日The anthelion is arareopticalphenomenon.幻日是一种罕见的视觉现象。
Anthelia arecausedby therefractionoflightthroughicecrystalsin highcloud.幻日现象是光通过高空云层中的冰晶发生折射而引起的。

TPG/Getty Images News/GettyImages
- A veryuncommonhalophenomenonis the anthelion, whosenamemeans“against thesun."
- Anthelia wereobservedbyCaptainScoresby in the Greenland Sea.
- In thephotographs, the anthelion is thewhitespoton the parheliccircleoppositethesun.
Weather & climate - general words
- aneroid barometer
- aurora
- aurora australis
- aurora borealis
- barometric
- element
- glass
- meteorological
- meteorologist
- meteorology
- mock sun
- Northern Lights
- occluded front
- occlusion
- parhelion
- polar vortex
- rare
- the Met Office
- weather forecaster
- zone