blue book
USuk/ˌbluː ˈbʊk/us/ˈbluː ˌbʊk/abooklet(=numberofpiecesofpaperfastenedtogether with apapercover)with nothing on thepages, thatcollegestudentsin the US must use to writetheiranswerstoexamquestions:
(美国大学生考试用的)蓝皮答题本Youprettymuch just had to writeyournameonyourbluebookand youpassed.你差不多只需要在蓝皮本上写上名字就通过考试了。
Publishing: paper & stationery
- A3
- A5
- acid-free
- assembler
- ballpoint pen
- chalk
- fountain pen
- gift wrap
- grammage
- hanging chad
- headed notepaper
- notepad
- pulp
- quill
- quire
- qwerty
- ream
- rice paper
- slate
- watermark