uk/ær.ənˈtʃiː.ni/us/ær.ənˈtʃiː.ni/anItaliandishconsisting ofballsofricemixedwith otherfood, that arecoveredinbreadcrumbsandfried:
(意大利)饭团,炸炖饭丸子Irecommendthe arancini.我推荐这里的意大利饭团。
We had the arancini for anappetizer.我们点了意大利饭团作开胃菜。

VvoeVale/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Weorderedthe arancini toshare.
- I like arancini, thericeballsthat havemozzarellain themiddle.
- He alsoaddedanumberof Siciliandishessuch as arancini.
Savoury dishes
- Alfredo
- American chop suey
- arroz con pollo
- baba ghanoush
- baked beans
- Denver omelet
- dhal
- dhansak
- dirty rice
- dolma
- knish
- kofta
- korma
- kraut
- kreplach
- refried beans
- rice
- rice and peasidiom
- rillettes
- risotto