noun[C,+ sing/pl verb]
uk/ˈkaʊn.səl/us/ˈkaʊn.səl/agroupofpeopleelectedorchosento makedecisionsor giveadviceon aparticularsubject, torepresentaparticulargroupofpeople, or torunaparticularorganization:
Thisplayissupportedby agrantfrom thelocalartscouncil.这出戏由当地艺术委员会出资赞助。
thegroupofpeopleelectedtogovernaparticulararea,town, orcity, andorganizeservicesfor it:
(地区、镇、市的)政务委员会;地方议会Edinburgh City Council爱丁堡市政会
Thetown/citycouncil is/areresponsibleforkeepingthestreetsclean.镇/市政会负责保持街道清洁。
UKThelocalcouncil has/havedecidednot toallocatefundsfor theproject.当地市政会决定不给这项工程拨款。
- Thelocalcouncil hasremaineddeafto all theobjectionstoitsproposals.
- Thelocalcouncil hasdecreedthat thehospitalshouldclose.
- The council isencouragingthedevelopmentof thepropertyfor bothemploymentandrecreation.
- They've beenengagedin alegalbattlewith the council for severalmonths.
- The council is toexaminewaysofreducingtrafficin thecitycentre.
People in charge of or controlling other people
- acephalous
- administrator
- anti-management
- authority
- bureaucrat
- conservator
- controller
- counter-power
- dean
- deputy
- management
- manipulator
- mistress
- movers and shakers
- too many chiefs and not enough Indiansidiom
- top dog
- troika
- tsar
- vice president
- yourlord and masteridiom
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UK politics: local government & politics