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单词 run through
释义 run through
1.use up wastefully 挥霍尽;乱花光
*The rich man's son quickly ran through his money.这位富人的儿子很快就把钱挥霍光了。
*He ran through the family fortune in a year.他一年之内耗尽了全部家产。
*We run through ten gallons of petrol a week.我们一个星期用10加仑汽油。
*I'll run through the main points of the news again.我将重播一下新闻的主要内容。;rehearse复习;预演;排练
*He ran through his lecture in his mind.他在心里默诵他的演讲词。
*We should run through the whole play once more before we actually present it on the stage.我们在公演前应该把整个剧再排练一遍。
4.pierce or stab,as with a sword 刺入;贯穿
*He ran his opponent through with a sword.他用剑刺穿了他的对手。
5.peruse or examine quickly;deal with in rapid succession 迅速阅读或检查;很快地处理
*Will you run through this essay for me, and tell me what you think of it?请你把这篇文章看一下,并把意见告诉我,好吗?
*I have run through the headlines in today's newspapers.今天报纸的大标题我都浏览过了。




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