asolidobjectwith asquarebaseand fourtriangularsidesthatformapointat thetop
FabrikaCr/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
apileof things that has theshapeof a pyramid:
摆成金字塔形的一堆东西Theacrobatsformeda pyramid bystandingon each other'sshoulders.杂技演员一个站上另一个的肩膀上表演叠罗汉。
figurativeManyorganizationshave a pyramidstructure(= there are fewerpeopleat thetoplevelsof them than there are at thebottom).许多团体是金字塔式的组织结构。
the pyramids[plural](alsothe Pyramids)
agroupofancientpyramid-shapedstructuresbuiltin Egypt astombs(=placestoburypeople)for the Pharaohs(=kingsof Ancient Egypt)
Danita Delimont/Gallo Images/GettyImages
- The pyramid is 50metreshigh and 100metresround thebase.
- Acubeand a pyramid are bothsolids.
- Thecanswerestackedin alargepyramid.
Geometrical shapes
- -cornered
- cone
- congruent
- congruently
- conic
- crescent
- decagon
- dimensional
- dome
- isosceles triangle
- Maltese cross
- oval
- pear-shaped
- prism
- rectangular
- right triangle
- semicircular
- simplex
- tetrahedron
- torus
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Ancient history: before 500 AD