mouth guard
(alsomouthguard)uk/ˈmaʊθ ˌɡɑːd/us/ˈmaʊθ ˌɡɑːrd/(UKalsogumshield)adevicethatpeoplewho takepartin somesportsput insidetheirmouthsinordertoprotecttheirteethandgums:
(参加体育运动时所戴的)护齿(套)Mouthguardspreventmore than 200,000injuriesannuallyamong highschoolandcollegeathletes, the American DentalAssociationestimates.据美国牙科协会估计,护齿套每年在高中和大学运动员中可防止20多万次受伤。
Use of a mouthguardwhilstplayingcontactsportshelpslesseninjuriesto themouthand theteeth.在参加接触性体育运动时戴上护齿有助于减少口腔和牙齿受伤。

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- Theschoolprovidescustommouthguardsfortheirfootballandbasketballteams.
- Helmets are a must foricehockey, along withmouthguards,kneepadsandelbow,shoulderandshinprotection.
- Commercial mouthguards can bepurchasedoff theshelfor acustommade mouthguard can be made bydentists.
Fighting sports
- aikido
- all-in wrestling
- arm-wrestling
- bantamweight
- black belt
- feint
- foil
- full nelson
- grappler
- gumshield
- half nelson
- outfight
- prizefighter
- pugilist
- pugilistic
- punch-drunk
- punchbag
- puncher
- southpaw
- wrestling
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