education,psychologyspecializeduk/dɪˈstræk.tər/us/dɪˈstræk.tɚ/in atest, awronganswerthat issimilarto thecorrectanswer,designedtoseewhether thepersonbeingtestedcannoticethedifference:
(多项选择试题中的)错误选项,干扰项Thetaskisbuiltso that one distractor (orincorrectalternative)showsthe sameobjectas thecorrectpicturebut with a differentattribute.这个任务的形式是通过让一个干扰项(或不正确的选项)显示与正确图片相同的物体,但属性不同。
- For eachpairofsentencesthe "incorrect"picturecontainseither agrammaticaldistractor (e.g."He issittingin thetree" vs. "She issittingin thetree", for apictureof agirl) or alexicaldistractor ("He issittingin thetree" vs. "He isswingingin thetree").
- In astudyoflexicaldevelopmentin whichcomprehensionof 75termswasassessed, hecontrastedthecorrectreferentwith a distractor from the same superordinatecategory.
- Infants werecodedcorrectif theypointedto ortouchedthetargetimageandincorrectif theypointedto ortouchedthe distractor.
- Later, thepicturesareshownagain but thistimein arandomorder,interspersedwith 20 "distractor"pictures.
Exams, tests & exercises
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