adjective[before noun]
(alsonon-Cabinet,noncabinet)uk/ˌnɒnˈkæb.ɪ.nət/us/ˌnɑːnˈkæb.ən.ət/(of thejobof amemberof agovernment) notpartof thesmallgroupof veryimportantpeoplein thegovernmentwhoregularlymeettogether:
All of theremainingvacancieson the president'steamare for non-cabinetposts.
Anumberof non-Cabinetappointmentswere made in thereshuffle.
- There are 51membersof thecabinet,plus35 non-cabinetministers.
- She will take up a noncabinetpostthat gives herresponsibilityforonlinesecurity.
- Heservedas a non-cabinetministerin the Sri Lankangovernment.
Government ministers & civil servants
- aide
- am
- attorney general
- backbencher
- cabinet
- Foreign Secretary
- functionary
- government
- Home Secretary
- interministerial
- private secretary
- Privy Councillor
- procurator
- public servant
- secretary
- syndic
- town clerk
- undersecretary
- vizier
- Whitehall