thefactof notobeyingaruleorlaw,especiallyone thatcontrolsaparticularindustry, ortypeofworkoractivity:
Non-compliancewithenvironmentallawscan be bothcostlyanddangerous.
"Wilful non-compliance" is anactdone with anintentionaldisregardof therules.
thefactof not taking amedicineor having avaccine(= asubstanceput into someone'sbodytostopthem getting adisease)thatdoctorswantyou to take or have; thefactof notfollowingtheinstructionsgiven by adoctor, etc. :
There are high non-compliancerateswithasthmamedication.
Whenpatientsdo notimproveasexpected, it is notnecessarilybecause ofpatientnoncompliance.
- Theschoolwasremovedfrom theschemeforrepeatednoncompliance withfinancialreportingrequirements.
- The EUintroducedfinesfor non-compliance withairsafetyregulations.
- In the earlyyearsof the system's rollout,accidentalnon-compliance is morelikelythan inlateryears.
- Reasons must be given tojustifynon-compliance with theprovision.
- We have noevidencethat there is a noncomplianceissue.
- Even with thislife-threateningdisease, non-compliance isprevalent.
- A patient's noncompliance withprescribeddrugscanleadto severalproblems.
Obeying & breaking the law
- abide
- abide bysomething
- adhere
- adhere tosomething
- aid
- bad actor
- commission
- contempt
- in line withsomethingidiom
- infringe
- infringement
- non-compliant
- noncomplying
- nondelinquent
- offend
- on the right/wrong side of the lawidiom
- perpetration
- pervert
- self-incrimination
- stick
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