uk/skep/us/skep/abeehive(= acontainerwherebeesarekept)made fromstraw(=driedcropstems)orwicker(=thinpiecesofwoodtwistedtogether):
Hemetanoldmancarryingaswarmofbeesin a skep.
Keepingbeesin skeps had theterribledrawbackthat thehoneywasextractedbykillingthebeesfirst.
- Shescarcelyneededtostunthebeeswithsmoketowrapandliftthe skeps unstung.
- The skeps werestackedby theoldhuttocollectlater.
- Eachboleusually has aledgeat thebottomfor thebeestolandon, and adripmouldingat thetoptohelpkeepthe skepdry.
Animal dwellings - man-made
- animal shelter
- apiary
- aviary
- bird box
- birdcage
- crate
- doghouse
- dovecote
- fish tank
- fishbowl
- hive
- perch
- pigeon loft
- pigpen
- pigsty
- rabbit hutch
- rescue centre
- sanctuary
- stall
- sty