adjective[before noun]
(alsononimage)uk/ˌnɒn.ˈɪm.ɪdʒ/us/ˌnɑːnˈɪm.ɪdʒ/notrelatingto orcontaininganimage(=picture):
Non-imagefilesmust bestoredseparatelyfromimagefiles.
Thedatabasewascrunchedtoextractall the nonimagedatawhich was thencollectedin acorpus.
- Thepublisherhas beendigitizingitsnon-imageassetsandarchivingthemalongsideitsimageresources.
- They just put some non-imagecontentup on thewebpageas atemporarymeasure.
- If youdrawanimageinwaxand thenpaintover it, thepaintonlyadheresto the non-imagearea.
- airbrush
- aperture
- bokeh
- camera
- camera obscura
- expose
- glossy
- grain
- high-resolution
- hologram
- holographic
- holography
- kinetoscope
- pap
- picture
- PillCam
- pin-up
- pinhole camera
- pix
- projection