notrepresentingsomething,especiallyinart, bycopyingitexactlyas itappears:
Hispaintingshave nonmimeticelementsthat make noallusiontoworksfrom the past.
Thestagesetsfeaturednon-mimeticroomsthat were still hyper-realistic.
- The non-mimeticfeaturesof thebuildingboreastrikingdifferenceto thesurroundingarchitecturebut stillmanagedtointegrateseamlesslyinto theneighbourhood.
- Although themodelwas aperfectsmall-scalereproductionof a 19th-century governor'smansion, theinteriordesignwas non-mimetic.
Unique and unusual
- accidental
- alt-
- alternative
- be marked out assomethingidiom
- be one of a kindidiom
- guerrilla
- incongruous
- inimitable
- irreplaceable
- larger than lifeidiom
- quaintly
- quaintness
- quirkiness
- quirky
- random
- uniquely
- unmatchable
- unmatched
- unparalleled
- unrivalled
A non-mimeticorganismis one that does notlookoractlike somethingelseinnature,especiallyas a way tohideordisguiseitself :
Insects whosegenesproducenon-mimeticpatternsontheirwingsare morelikelyto bespottedanddetectedbypredators.
Themaleswallowtailbutterflyhas a non-mimeticwingpattern, incontrastto thefemale, whichimitatesthat oftoxicspeciestowardoffpredators.
Hiding and disguising
- be holed upidiom
- booby trap
- camo
- camouflage
- camouflaged
- cloak
- drown
- hiding
- hit the deckidiom
- hole up (somewhere)
- illusion
- incognito
- obscure
- secrete
- shutsomeone/somethingout
- sidle
- skulk
- smokescreen
- stash
- tuck
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Descriptions of animal (non-human) markings