adjective[before noun]
(alsononruling)uk/ˌnɒnˈruː.lɪŋ/us/ˌnɑːnˈruː.lɪŋ/not being incontrolof acountry,society, etc.; not making thedecisionsabout how acountry,society, etc. isrun:
These women werepartof a non-rulingelite.
Themajorityof thepopulationbelongsto the non-rulingclass.
- Thecarvingshowsnon-rulingmalesholdingobjectsthat aresimilarto thoseheldby theruler.
- Some non-ruling womenseemto have hadgreatprestigein thissociety.
- Weconsultedthepublicand the non-rulingpartiesbefore we madeourdecision.
- Thetitlewas used by thepharaohand also by some non-rulingmembersof theroyalfamily.
Ordinary people
- banausic
- community
- Essex girl
- everyman
- grassroots
- John Doe
- John Q. Public
- man/woman of the peopleidiom
- mass
- mass market
- mortal
- omnibus
- popularly
- prole
- public
- rabble
- rank and file
- the common manidiom
- the man/woman in the streetidiom
- the man/woman on the Clapham omnibusidiom