A2 tostoresoundsormovingpicturesusingelectronicequipmentso that they can beheardorseenlater:
录制;录(音);录(像) Cliff Richard has recorded morenumberonehitsongsthan any other Britishpopstar. 在英国流行乐歌星中,克利夫.理查德录制的歌曲荣登排行榜榜首的数量最多。
We recordedtheirweddingon video. 我们给他们的婚礼录了像。
Itriedtocallher, but all I got was a recordedmessagesaying that she was away for theweekend. 我每次给她打电话听到的都是电话答录机中说她外出度周末的录音。
Was theconcertliveor was it recorded(= made before beingbroadcast) ? 音乐会是直播还是录播的?
She recorded her first CD at theageof 12. Therobberyhad been recorded on aconcealedsecuritycamera. Themicrophoneis used for recordingsoundsthat areinaudibleto thehumanear. Thegrouphas gone to Los Angeles to recordtheirnewalbum. Thiscamerarecords 1000framespersecond. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesRecording sounds and images
analogue audiovisual AV cut deepfake digitally distort distortion erase fade misrecord mix playsomething back production re-record release resynthesis resynthesize sampler sound effect See more results »
record verb [T] (STORE INFORMATION )
B2 tokeepinformationfor thefuture, by writing it down orstoringit on acomputer:
记录;记载;记下…备案 She records everything thathappensto her in herdiary. 她把发生在自己身上的一切事情都记在了日记里。
Unemployment islikelytoreachthehighesttotalthat haseverbeen recorded. 失业总人数很可能会创下有史以来的最高纪录。
[+ that ] In hisjournal,CaptainScott recordedthat he and hiscompanionswereweakenedbylackoffood. 在日志中,斯科特船长写道,因缺少食物他和同伴们身体虚弱不堪。
Thecoronerrecorded(=decided) averdictofaccidentaldeath. 验尸官判定是意外死亡。
C1 If adevicerecords ameasurement, itshowsthatmeasurement:
(仪器)显示,记录,标明 Thethermometerrecorded atemperatureof 30degreesCelsius. 温度计显示温度是30摄氏度。
Travelagencieshave recorded afalling-offinbookingsthissummer. This was thediaryin which Gina recorded herinnermostthoughtsandsecrets. Thescientistshave been recordinglevelsofpollutionin theareafor the last 15years. Theroleof thestenographerwas to record theexchangesthat tookplacein thecourtroom. Theringsin thetrunkof thetreerecord theamountby which itgreweachyear. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesWriting & typing
asemic bashsomething out borrow calligrapher carriage return fair jot minute overwrite re-registration readability recompose reformulate registration rekey scribble tab unwritten writ writing See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Recording sounds and images
Measuring & weighing
record noun (INFORMATION )
B2 [C orU ] apieceofinformationor adescriptionof aneventthat is written onpaperorstoredon acomputer:
记录;记载 Theweathercentrekeeps a recordof theweather. 气象中心对天气情况都备有记录。
Thissummerhas been thehotteston record(= thehottestsummerknownabout) . 今年夏天是有史以来最热的。
B2 [C ] informationabout someone or something that isstoredby thepoliceor by adoctor:
前科;病历 A person'smedical records areconfidential. 一个人的病历是保密的。
He is wellknownto thepoliceand has alongcriminal record(= alistkeptby thepoliceof hispreviouscrimes) . 他是警察局的常客,有一大堆的犯罪前科。
C2 [C ] thefactsthat areknownabout apersonor acompanyand theactionsthey have done in the past:
履历;历史;经历 I won'tflywith anairlinethat has abadsafety record(= whoseaircrafthave often hadaccidents) . 我可不愿意搭乘安全纪录很差的航空公司的航班。
for the record
something that you say before youtellsomeone somethingimportantthat youwantthem toremember:
(用于对听话人强调所说之话的重要性)为记录在案目的 And, just for the record, we were never any more than goodfriends. 而且,我郑重声明,我们一直是好朋友,仅此而已。
Thejudgetook the defendant'scleanrecord intoaccountwhenpassingsentence. It was one of thehottestAugustson record. You've got aprovenworkrecord, which gives you abigadvantage. We've put allourrecords oncomputer. Wekeepyourrecords onfilefor fiveyears. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesInformation and messages
advertisement aide-mémoire ammunition basics fascia info infodemic infodump infographic information memorandum poop postscript push notification radiogram readout relabel shingle the bare bones the real deal See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Pieces of writing
The police generally
Official documents
Honesty, openness & sincerity
record noun (MUSIC )
B1 [C ] aflatplasticdiscon whichmusicis recorded:
唱片 Would you like tolistento some records? 你想听些唱片吗?
Vincenzo Marco Vallilonga/EyeEm/GettyImages
B1 [C ] asongormusicthat has been recorded and isavailablefor thepublictobuy:
(录制的)歌曲,单曲,乐曲 The Beatles' firsthitrecord was "Love Me Do". 甲壳虫乐队的第一首走红歌曲是《请爱我》。
Many of the Rolling Stones' records havebecomerockclassics. Musiccompanieshave profited from thedominanceofCDsovervinylrecords. Within a fewyearsoftheirintroduction,CDswereoutsellingvinylrecords. Their first record didn'tevenchart. Thegrouphave justsignedwith a new recordlabel. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAudio & video equipment
78 analogue audiocassette audiotape body cam box set DAT digital audio tape hi-fi jukebox low-fi tape tweeter VCR video technology videocassette videocassette recorder Walkman wire woofer See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Sound and image recordings
record noun (BEST )
B1 [C ] thebestorfastesteverdone:
最高纪录;最佳成绩 Heranthe 100metresin 9.79secondsandbroke/smashed theworld record. 他以9.79秒的成绩跑完了100米,打破了世界纪录。
Sheset/established a newEuropeanrecord in the highjump. 她创造了欧洲跳高的新纪录。
Christie hasclippeda tenth of a second off the record. It was her firstcrackatbeatingthe record. Fitzgerald iskeentoemulateMartin's record of threesuccessiveworldtitles. Hefailedin hisattempttobreakthe record. Histimefor the 100metressurpassedthepreviousworldrecord by onehundredthof a second. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSuccess and achievements
a feather inyour cap idiom a roaring success idiom accomplishment achievement achievement test ascension ascent belt boom every dog has its day idiom feat fruition havesomething underyour belt idiom laugh prospect quantum leap secret sauce sellout stratosphere tear See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Winning, losing & scoring in sport
Idioms go on record
off the record
on the record
set/put the record straight
at ahigherlevelthaneverachievedbefore:
创纪录的;空前的 Thelonghotsummerhasledto a recordharvestthisyear. 这个夏天漫长而又炎热,使得今年成为一个创纪录的丰收年。
Inflation hasreachedrecordlevels . 通货膨胀已创历史最高。
Wefinishedtheworkin recordtime (=fasterthan hadeverbeen done before) . 我们以最短的时间完成了工作,这是以前从没有过的。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSuccessful (things or people)
achiever alive alpha male arrive ascendant baller bang carry havesomething inyour pocket idiom have the world atyour feet idiom healthily heavy hitter idiom high-flyer pocket represent superachiever superhit superseller swimmingly thriving See more results »
(Definition ofrecord from theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
record | American Dictionary
record verb [T] (STORE INFORMATION )
tokeepinformationfor thefutureby writing it down orstoringit on acomputer:
Shecarefullyrecorded theeventsof themeeting.
To record is also to use adevicetomeasureanamount,rateofspeed, etc. and show it:
Windgustsof up to 50milesperhourwere recorded.
record verb [T] (STORE SOUNDS/IMAGES )
to putsoundsorpicturesontomagnetictapeor acomputerusingelectronicequipmentso that they can beheardorseenlater:
The Beatles recorded manyterrificalbumsover theyears.
When Itriedtophoneher, all I got was a recordedmessage.
record noun (BEST )
[C ] thebestorfastesteverdone:
She set a newworldrecord in the highjump.
Sales thisseasonbroke/shatteredthe record(= werebetterthaneverbefore) .
[C ] aflat,plasticdiskon whichmusicisrecorded
[C/U ] apieceofinformationor adescriptionof aneventthat is written onpaperorstoredin acomputer:
[C ] Did anyone make a record of what thepresidentsaid at thatmeeting?
[C ] Allmedicalrecords arekeptconfidential.
[C ] She has alongcriminalrecord(= there isofficialinformationabout manycrimesshe has done) .
[U ] Thissummerhas been thehotteston record(= thehottestsummerknownabout) .
[C/U ] A person’s or organization’s record is theactionsthat have been done in the past, andesp. how well orbadlythoseactionshave gone:
[C ] During his twentyyearsas afootballcoach, hecompiledanoutstandingrecord.
record adjective [not gradable] (BEST )
at ahigherlevelthaneverachievedbefore:
Farmers in theMidwestarereportinga recordharvestthisyear.
(Definition ofrecord from theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
[C ] apieceof writteninformationabout something that iskeptso thatpeoplecan refer to itlater:
Therecords show that thecompanyemployedastaffof 300 in the 1990s.
Keep a record of alltransactions.
It'simportanttomaintain up-to-datefinancialrecords .
[C ] anachievementthat isbetterthan anything that hashappenedbefore:
set/hold/break a record Sales thisyearhavebrokenall records.
Hotelbookingsare at apaceto seta new record thisyear.
[S ] thepreviousbehaviourandachievementsof apersonor anorganization:
When it comes todealingwithshareholders, his record isimpressive.
have a good/poor/excellent record on sth They have a verypoorrecord on HRissues.
record as sth Shedefendedher record asunionchiefduring alengthyinterview.
be a matter of (public) record
to beofficiallywritten down andavailableto thepublic:
Hisviewson theproposedmergerare amatterofpublicrecord.
be/go on record
to say or write somethingofficiallyso that it can beknownby everyone:
I'mon record as saying that Isupportthe newpolicy.
Thechairwent on record to say that thecommitteeopposedtheproposal.
Myobjectionsto theschemeare on record.
for the record
used to show that youwantsomething to be written downexactly, or if youwanttocorrectsomething that someone has said:
For the record, I cancategoricallystatethat I wasunawareof thesedevelopments.
Just for the record , mytitleis Dr. not Ms.
off the record
used to show that what is being said isunofficialand should not be written down or told to otherpeople:
Heinsistedthatpartsof hisinterviewbe off the record.
Speaking off the record, sheadmittedthat she haddoubtsabout theproject.
on record
written down in anofficialrecord:
Next spring'swelfarebenefitincreaseswill be some of thesmalleston record.
put sth on record
to makesurethat something isofficiallywritten down so thatpeoplewillknowwhat has been said or done:
I would like to put on record mydisagreementwith theconclusionsof themeeting.
See also attendance record
employer of record
holder of record
owner of record
shareholder of record
stockholder of record
track record
at ahigherlevelthaneverachievedbefore:
Inflation hasreachedrecordlevels .
Thetaxwillhitarecordnumber oftaxpayersnextyear.
to write downinformationabout something so thatpeoplecan refer to itlater:
Participants wereaskedto recordtheiractivitiesin aweeklydiary.
It isadvisableto record alldetailsofchangesto thejobdescription.
FINANCE ,ACCOUNTING toexperienceor show aprofitorloss, or ariseorfallinvalue:
record a loss/gain/profit Thefirmrecorded pre-taxprofitsof over $10 million.
We may beforcedto record alossthisyear.
Overnight the Dow Jones Industrial Average recordeditsbiggestone-dayjumpsince earlyFebruary.
(Definition ofrecord from theCambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
Examplesof record record
Looking time is recorded, and longer looking at the novel stimulus permits the inference that the infant has discriminated the two emotions. From theCambridge English Corpus
Only qualitative differences in band (presence and absence) were recorded. From theCambridge English Corpus
Rigorous comparisons among the various studies are difficult, given the diversity of areas, stimuli, behavioral task and recording paradigms involved. From theCambridge English Corpus
It is a multi-faceted process in that records will be linked by person, by place and by ordinary (or bishop). From theCambridge English Corpus
The samples themselves are recorded in an ordinary text file. From theCambridge English Corpus
Individual ocelots were photographed as many as 17 times during the cumulative 2-y survey period, though many were recorded only once. From theCambridge English Corpus
Bertillonage was purely a system for linking suspects with their criminal records; it had no forensic application. From theCambridge English Corpus
After a short pause the two stimuli were given in reversed positions, again 25 choices were recorded and correct choices rewarded. From theCambridge English Corpus
Coherences between recording sites reflect the pattern and degree of connectivity between brain regions. From theCambridge English Corpus
The insert represents a phase plane plot of the two variables recorded in the figure. From theCambridge English Corpus
For the validation, complete medical records were requested for each patient from the participating hospitals for the 12-week study period. From theCambridge English Corpus
There were 1,666 records recovered through the search strategy mentioned above. From theCambridge English Corpus
The families were recruited from local birth records. From theCambridge English Corpus
Many doctors who worked in the relevant period must be available for questioning and hospital records have survived. From theCambridge English Corpus
One problem with his conclusions derives from his use of the surviving records of convictions for indictable offences as a proxy for all crime. From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Collocationswith record record These are words often used in combination withrecord .
Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.
accurate record
Thus, the registers may not be anaccurate record of what was actually said in the courtroom.
From theCambridge English Corpus
all-time record
I said it was anall -time record and it certainly is anall -time record .
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under theOpen Parliament Licence v3.0
appalling record
I have some statistics that may be interesting when we consider labour relations and our appalling record on strikes.
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under theOpen Parliament Licence v3.0
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.